This is so bizarre it is offensive.
In order to keep infant mortality down, you must be able to abort them before they die.
Monday, researchers in Texas reported that the state’s strict restriction on abortions performed during the first trimester has led to an increase in the mortality rate of infants and newborns. According to NBC News, the number of newborn fatalities in Texas rose from 1,985 in 2021 to 2,240 in 2022, an almost 13% rise, the year after the ban was implemented. Nationwide, infant mortality increased by around 2% over the same time frame. Researchers Alison Gemmill and her colleagues from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found no such rise in infant mortality in other states, suggesting that the legislation must be having some sort of direct effect. Publication in JAMA Pediatrics of the study occurred on Monday.
According to the research, there has been no “systematic evaluation of infant mortality” after the Texas legislation went into force, but CNN did report an uptick in baby fatalities last year. The researchers stated that this study lends credence to the suspected relationship. According to CNN, the law does not include an exemption for cases of rape, incest, or congenital malformations. According to it, a medical emergency is the sole valid reason for a doctor to perform an abortion. Prior to the Dobbs ruling, which resulted in the termination of legal safeguards for abortion access and subsequent prohibitions enacted by other states, the Texas statute was enacted around one year earlier. “This might foreshadow what is happening in other states,” said Gemmill. “Texas is basically a year ahead.”
Moreover, compared to the rest of the country, researchers discovered that the number of congenital abnormalities rose in Texas between 2021 and 2022. “This shows what probably was expected before the Dobbs decision, that there would be downstream unintended consequences by banning abortions in early pregnancy,” commented Dr. Mary Rosser of Columbia University Irving Medical Center, who was not involved with the study. “Restrictive abortion policies may have important unintended consequences in terms of trauma to families and medical cost.” The authors of the study urged further investigation into this matter.
Kind of reminds me of Jimbo from the “Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka” episode of “South Park”: “So we have kill animals, or else they’ll die.”
An impressive display of obfuscation. Too bad they believe themselves.
‘Reproductive healthcare’ is the leading cause of death in the US.
The Frankenstein Pretzel logic of the Left!
it didn’t make any sense to me. Glad i have more info now.
The Covid shot. Delayed Death shot. So they can blame the death on anything else shot.
@ MildredLucille Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 5:47 at 5:47 am,
After reading BFH’s second sentence I googled Jimbo and the Mexican Staring Frog, then I saw your excellent post. Nailed it.
Thank God, Ruth Bader is dead.
“According to NBC News, the number of newborn fatalities in Texas rose from 1,985 in 2021 to 2,240 in 2022, an almost 13% rise…”
This statistic is “misinformation”. What was the change in live births during that same period?
Also – remember the clot shot was being forced on the population in 2021 and even on pregnant mothers toward the end of 2021.
If you expect people who kill human babies in utero to be honest you are a fool. I watched a documentary about serial killers many years ago. They all have similar MOs and mental characteristics. For instance, they all view other people as objects to be used and they would dehumanize their victims once they had them under control leading up to the killing.
Figures never lie, but liars figure. There is probably much more information available, as astutely pointed out above, so these “professionals” need to calm the heck down and shut up.
Thank you, Jethro! (You reduced my typing. )
Murder inc in all its glory!
@ wednesday’s child MONDAY, 24 JUNE 2024, 23:58 AT 11:58 PM
Satan is a liar, a murder and a thief. I wouldn’t be convinced that they believe a damnable bit of it. Regarding their concern, followers of the progressive worldview are incapable of any sincerity whatsoever when it comes to concern for others. The sole concern they have for anyone else, either individually or collectively, is how to exploit them to advance their own agenda. And yes, I do mean every word of that to be taken literally.
If they do a study, I’d like to know if the surge in illegal crossings has had anything to do with increase in infant mortality. The media and the left (but I repeat myself) are too quick to ascribe outcomes to only a single cause.
Dr. Tar, my first thought also. Dittos.
Good grief! They say they used information they gathered from trusted news sources like ABC and CNN and they expect to be taken seriously?
Amazing in it’s evil.
“Restrictive abortion policies may have important unintended consequences…”.
Sure, like the birth of a child who, instead of being murdered, gets a chance to live.