The Reinvention of Lindsey Graham – IOTW Report

The Reinvention of Lindsey Graham

Have you noticed how much more likable Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has become now that he’s free of John McCain’s (R-AZ) bad influence?

Case in point, earlier this week,  Graham was asked about the possibility of President Trump winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Graham took the occasion to praise the foreign policy of a more muscular White House. Here

22 Comments on The Reinvention of Lindsey Graham

  1. McPain was a weakening influence, can’t pray that away, but a man can discover the place he must occupy and fill it. That’s authority, and may Graham prosper as a man.

  2. For reasons we may never know Graham hitched his wagon to no name who we know was a psychopath and a filthy traitor. Have enjoyed watching Graham over the past couple of weeks but I will remain cautious.

  3. Just like Rubio did and it was apparent what had transpired immediately. Rubio is still the same soyboy, Bush Republican swamper though. It appears Lindsay has core beliefs once they are allowed to shine through, Rubio not so much. IMHO

  4. If nothing else McCain was a master manipulator. It was obvious he recognized vulnerabilities and took certain targets under his wing and then IMHO kept them there with threats of abandonment. Let’s hope Lindsay has found out what a man he actually can be when he is allowed unencumbered articulation of his thoughts!!

    He is showing true leadership potential like I never knew was in him. IMHO, McCain was aware that if not beaten down Lindsay would not last as his lackey.

  5. I have said a lot of pretty tough things about Graham in the past, AND AT THE TIME I MEANT THEM.

    Watching Lindsay the last week: It impresses me that he came in and was open to having a mentor (admirable) but unfortunately for him he hitched his wagon to someone who was looking out to use Lindsay instead of actually mentor him in ways that would help him to become educated in the job he was taking on. We have all seen it happen throughout our careers and have also seen people blossom once they were out from under a destructive master who had only their own aspirations at heart.

    It is my fervent hope that I have read the dynamic correctly and that we now have a true conservative leader in Lindsay Graham.

  6. I know many here will condemn my deplorable lack of moral judgementalism. But I’ve heard rumor that Lindsey’s a little light in the loafers. And I just don’t care.

  7. I hope Lindsey’s discovered just how much fun it can be to dish what he’s been expected to take all these years. Collegiality doesn’t mean being a door mate and the left really, really hates RINOs that no longer dance to their tune.

  8. I’ll go on record saying I don’t buy it.

    No I’m not simply being a contrarian. I’ve… I think many of us have seen Lindsey squirm one way and then another too many times.

    I sincerely hope I’m wrong but my money says he’s a doormat for whatever the dems want next.

  9. Be careful. Trump deliberately picked Kavanaugh because he’s been the darling of the GOPe globalist Koch Bush and co. set for many years.

    And also the Republican Senators personally got a little taste these past two weeks of the harassment they’ve been dishing or just allowing on Trump.

    And also it’s election season.

  10. No doubt Graham was incredible supporting conservatism during the Kavanagh confirmation theatrics, but I suspect Mz. Lindsey only does what’s good for Mz. Lindsey. He’s no fool. He knows the country is majority “flyover” who love President Trump. He is a seasoned politician who wants to keep getting reelected.
    Graham may have conservative core beliefs, but that will not stop him from down the road, turning back into a fairy cake progressive.
    Maybe, just maybe Graham will want to continue aggressively fighting the left in ernest. Wouldn’t bet the farm on it.

  11. During his righteously indignant speech (which was amazing – not just for him but for any politician) he made the statement that “these are my friends.”

    Those Senators (both Parteis) would feed him to a pack of hyenas without batting an eye.

    But I got the impression that he was speaking a “truth.”

    I honestly believe that there’s a big swath of naiveté in his soul.
    Strange for a politician, I know, but that’s the impression I got.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Graham is going to have to exhibit CONSISTENT leadership as conservative to earn my vote again. As one of his constituents I’m putting him on a 18 month probationary period and then I’ll decide because it’ll take more than a few outbursts or news cycles to forget the last 15 years but I’m willing to give him one last shot.

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