List of 134 Cities Where Violent, Criminal Illegal Aliens Were Sent After Release by Obama DHS – IOTW Report

List of 134 Cities Where Violent, Criminal Illegal Aliens Were Sent After Release by Obama DHS

Illegal-Kids-Cross-American-Border--118308Doug Ross-

According to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm of DHS, 36,007 criminal illegal aliens were released into the United States in 2013. Responding to a request by Sen. Chuck Grassley, ICE recently provided a list of raw ZIP codes — not cities and states — where criminal illegals, manyconvicted of violent offenses including murder, rape and kidnapping, have been dumped by the administration.

I wrote a small script to convert the ZIPs into cities and states, the results of which are below. Please make sure that your families, friends, colleagues and other acquaintances are aware of these locations. Better safe than sorry.


14 Comments on List of 134 Cities Where Violent, Criminal Illegal Aliens Were Sent After Release by Obama DHS

  1. When Frank White became governor of Arkansas in the early 1980s, Bill Clinton attributed his own loss in the race to his association with the Cuban refugee crisis, 25,000 of them, many criminals or insane, that were housed at Fort Chaffee, Ark.

    People just don’t raise hell about these things like they used to.

  2. Well, I have 10,000 rounds of ammo 27 weapons and 7 crossbows. Not to mention the buried weapons and ammo.
    My house is safe. But. I have to come to town for some items.

  3. @Unruly — “People just don’t raise hell about these things like they used to.”

    Yep. All about the progressives and the PC world.

    It’s up to us to change the scene. Gonna take a long time to reverse the trend.

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