List of Islamic Terror: Last 30 Days – IOTW Report

List of Islamic Terror: Last 30 Days

Religion of During this time period, there were 174 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 1315 people were killed and 1363 injured.

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2016.08.29 Yemen Aden 71 67 A massive sucide blast in a port city claims the lives of over seventy.
2016.08.28 Iraq Ein Tamer 18 26 An ISIS suicide bomber and four gunmen slaughter at least eighteen people at a Shia wedding.
2016.08.28 Nigeria Niger State 37 0 Islamists sweep through four different villages, massacring at least thirty-seven residents.
2016.08.26 Iraq Makhmour 3 5 Two Shahid suicide bombers attack a refugee camp, killing at least three others.
2016.08.25 Somalia Mogadishu 9 2 An al-Qaeda affiliate sets off a car bomb outside a restaurant and then machine-guns at least nine innocents.
2016.08.25 Afghanistan Tajkirgan 3 12 Three civilians are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.08.24 Iraq Bab al-Toub 12 0 Twelve employees at a fruit juice shop are executed with shots to the head by caliphate members.
2016.08.24 India Pulwama 1 14 A civilian is killed when militants throw grenades at group of policeman.
2016.08.24 Afghanistan Kabul 12 53 A suicide attack on an American University campus leaves a dozen dead.
2016.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Two residents are killed by an Islamic State mortar round.
2016.08.24 Iraq Suwaib 2 6 Mujahid bombers murder two people outside a sheep market.
2016.08.24 Iraq Jouseq 15 0 Fifteen civilians are drowned in a swimming pool by the Islamic State.
2016.08.23 Thailand Pattani 1 30 One person is killed when Muslim ‘separatists’ bomb a hotel and massage parlor.
2016.08.23 Pakistan Gulsha-e-Iqbal 2 0 Two Islamic teachers are gunned down in their own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.08.23 Australia Home Hill 1 1 A female backpacker is stabbed to death at a hostel by a man shouting praises to Allah.

The rest is HERE

11 Comments on List of Islamic Terror: Last 30 Days

  1. Super genius Secretary of State John Kerry says the media should talking about terrorism. Yes. Watching one failed government after another exposes how little value they provide. And what folly open borders are.

    So just shut up, ok?

  2. John effin Kerry who served in Vietnam, so did I at the tail end of the war needs to shut the hell up and just go away. He never met a commie or an America hating bad guy whose ass he didn’t try to kiss from Uncle Ho to the current crop of muslim pinheads in Iran. His guys in Vietnam should’ve fragged him and and saved us a lot of grief, he’s one Navy Officer I have no respect for whatsoever.

  3. I could care less about the muzzies killing each other over in the ME. I just wish they’d hurry up and do it faster.
    It’s when they invade Western civilization (and it’s an invasion, not immigration, I don’t care WHAT any Gubberment, especially a socialist Gubberment, calls it) and kills their host citizens (ok, serfs), that’s when I get pissed.

  4. See whut happens when you let an easily flummoxed, gullible, Jihad Codling, not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, precognitive Global Warming metrosexual meteorologist, (who couldn’t pour the piss of his boot if the instructions were written on the heel) Politically Correct, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome, pull his head out of the sand and run around unmanaged while that foul, disingenuous, shameless, manipulative, cold, calculating, carpet-wearing, carpet-bagging, coughing Communist know as the Helldebeast (the bought and paid for wholly owned subsidiary of the Muzlim Bruthahood) tells us that “terrorism has nothing whatsoever to do with iSlam!”

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