Trump visited a school in Nevada. The teacher selected a little girl to give a gift to the presidential hopeful.
The girl is nearly catatonic with fright. Trump is awkwardly forced to give a little hint to the girl that she should actually let go of the gift she is presenting. Everyone consoles her, and then she shoots Trump a look like he stole from her. lol.
What has she been told about Trump?
Later, a little girl candidly describes what she’s been told about Hillary.
Oh, those darn kids!
In all fairness, both sides of the aisle have to stop indoctrinating kids about who is evil and who isn’t. Start educating about why they are evil. Start teaching about the different philosophies of economic structure and governance and how it fits into people’s beliefs. Then they will grow up understanding why they believe what they believe.
I’ve met grown adults say they hate (fill in the blank with a political villain) and they can’t articulate why. They dislike them purely on superficial levels. (Think Palin.)
I know why I hate leftists. It’s because they want other people’s stuff. Just like that little girl holding onto the gift she was supposed to bestow!
“I know why I hate leftists. It’s because they want other people’s stuff.”
My second-born was 8 when I told him liberals are bad because they want to take your money. The look on his face was so “WTF?!?!”
She was simply holding on to the democrat conscripted black vote.
Everybody who Hillary interacts with has to go through her official fake acting classes beforehand.
Trump just takes it as it comes.
THE HAIR locked eyes with her and she thought it might attack.
Moving slow seemed the best option.
She’s been taught to hate Trump by her family. Racial hatred usually starts in the home.
She’s a child, he’s a stranger. Typical behavior
Davy: I would agree except for that look in the freezeframe up there. I’ve seen that look before. That’s not fear that’s hate. She’s already been turned into a racist.
“What has she been told about Trump?”
My seven-year old came home from school and said that the teachers told them that Donald Trump invites kids to birthday partys and the pinata does’t have any candy or prizes in it.
I get that same angry black look when I order at the fast food counter…
Between Chalupa and JDHasty you have %100 of how it happens.
I had a 6 yr old black kid in my living room my sons played with and he spouted matter-of-factly how whites were bad – never even realizing he was saying it to his white friends and their father in their own home. Didn’t even see what he was doing. Just thought everyone thought that. Clearly taught this at home.
My sons would come home from school and matter-of-factly spout how Bush & Reps were evil and Dems were all goodness and light. When asked why they thought that since they were children not even old enough to know better or follow world events. “Everyone at school thinks so!” Clearly taught at school to hate conservatives. Completely missing the difference between what they witnessed and what was said at school.
I made it a point to expose and illustrate what underlay events we ran across and why people did what they did. Schools forced me to add political lessons to my every day tutelage.
3 grown conservative sons later, I think I did alright.
All I had to do was point out the obvious as we went along and show what worked and didn’t work.
As we drive around town now days, I’ll throw out “Five dollars says a Democrat thought of this traffic solution. They want to control everything and leave you no choice with a F.U. thrown in if you try to avoid it.”
Like the lane division for the HOVs here are a life threatening series of bumps that will throw you into a death-defying spin if you try to cross them – you can’t even try to avoid an accident without risking your life going over them. Stupid “control the masses” shit like that. Don’t cross that line, MFer! I’d rather see you have an accident!
Great job Dad4!
I just watched the video.
I love the little white girl saying the lady who wants to be president is “bad and she steals.”
Most blacks at drive-through’s are very telling of the way they feel about you.
That being said I have found the opposite to be true sometimes they can be so nice with a very real smile you would think they could be your own daughters.
It makes me wonder why the owners don’t check on these people?
…the Black girl had never seen a White man up close!
He’s The White Devil she is always hearing about.
She’s not afraid of Trump, just the blonde muskrat living on his head.
I have never had a bad experience with a black girl at a fast food restaurant, drive thru or walk up.
I must say, though, I’m kinda affable. Not overly so, like an asswipe, but I try to make any fast food worker’s day a little better, somehow.
I know that goes against my misanthrope philosophy.
But one on one with people I am nice to them.
In the car?
Everyone out there is a moron.