Liz Warren’s Authenticity Deficit – IOTW Report

Liz Warren’s Authenticity Deficit

You (I’m assuming all of your genders) Guys.
I want to warn you about the video at the link…
But I actually can’t, because I am fresh out of words.

Patriot Retort:

In the “Who is the Least Authentic 2020 Candidate” horserace, Liz Warren is ahead by a length.  In fact, she is so lacking in authenticity, it isn’t even a horserace at this point.

Now, if Kirsten Gillibrand was still in the race, maybe, just maybe Liz would have some competition.  But not anymore.

Liz Warren’s authenticity deficit exceeds whatever budget deficit would result from a Warren Presidency.  That’s how lacking in authenticity this woman is.

Nobody is worse at staging faux spontaneous campaign videos than Liz Warren.

Like this latest one.(PS: I’m really sorry to subject you to this)

Also from Patriot Retort: Thank you for all your condolences

12 Comments on Liz Warren’s Authenticity Deficit

  1. That video should be a mental health test. If someone can watch it and come away saying “That woman should be our next president!”, it’s time for the special jacket with the extra long sleeves.

  2. Thank goodness I have a new GHEY FILTER on my stealthy internet thingy!
    THAT would have set off the HOMO ALARM earlier!

    She should have another beer…and then retire to her wigwam.

  3. So, I am really wondering…Do they have a training school for gay dudes? Why do they all affect the same mannerisms? Is it to give out the obvious hints that they are not normal? No one else does any of this goofy stuff. Or am I wrong? I don’t watch a lot of TV. Okay, actually, none. But still…This guy rates a 10 for gay stereotypical behavior.


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