Washington Examiner:
Arizona leaders rained down praise on President Trump during a meeting by the U.S.-Mexico border Tuesday, touting how hundreds of miles of newly constructed barrier have boosted public safety and led to a decline in illegal crossings.
“I worked on the road back in the early 2000s, and I understand firsthand the calls for service related to undocumented immigrants and how high those calls for service were,” Yuma, Arizona, Police Chief Susan Smith told Trump during the briefing. “After the border enhancements were put in place, I can tell you we saw a marked decline in many of those calls associated with undocumented immigrants, such as load vehicles coming across with drugs and humans, human trafficking, stolen vehicles.”
Yuma Mayor Doug Nicholls told Trump that if the 110 miles of new border barrier had not been installed along southwestern Arizona’s border with Mexico and the border crisis that unfolded last year happened today, the coronavirus pandemic may have had a hugely negative impact on his city’s 97,000 residents. read more
SNIP: All photos via White House Flickr and are public domain.
Hearing the truth is good, walls are totally irrelevant and don’t work in WashingtonDC.
Here’s what our military is doing:
” The creation of the “Defense Board on Diversity and Inclusion.” “The strength of our Army comes from our diversity,” leaders wrote in a memo obtained by the defense website.”
Seriously. They think the way to have a strong military is to make sure each race has the right representation.
I have always been willing to have a country where opportunity is based on merit. Forget that. Now i want white people in charge. White heterosexuals.
THIS…is America. Otherwise, we are no longer a Country.
The one that we know, participate in, die and pray for.
Now is the time for a little happy Snoopy winning dance.
Boogy woogie baby! Doot doot da doo da doo !
Walls work. Ask any over-paid Democrat hat rack (now millionaires with no visible means of how they got that wealth. All of them can now afford great, big, beautiful walls around their estates. And it’s a signal of their elitism, too.
Oh, not just Dems. Remember that jackal, Paul Ryan. No borer wall funding for POTUS Trump, but he sees the benefits of a security fence and full-time guard for his own place.
Of course it is.
But if we have a wall and rot from within from nonimmigrants, what’s the point of a wall?