Enjoy this video of Biden talking about how many ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ signs he sees and how many little kids flip him off 🤣
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) April 19, 2024
18 Comments on LOL – Dopey Joe Says Little Kids Give Him the Finger All the Time
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The whole country should flip him off!
Finally, Joey tells the truth!
So, you’re handlers are trying to say that the EVIL MAGA parents are teaching their kids to be mean to old, frail and creepy people like you?
Duh! Maybe there’s a reason it happens illegal jerk!
Kids learn to flip the bird on their first ride on a schoolbus (If they didn’t already know).
I want kids to start throwing bricks…
A Three Stooges, two-finger eye poke would be better. That way, he can’t see who to sniff or fondle next.
Children and animals know evil when they see it.
Even small kids know that the bird is the word. Go ahead and flip off the old fart kids.
I’d be willing to bet joey has been flipped off far more times than all of the other democrap Presidents combined. And in just 3 years and 3 months or so, keep it up to joey, go for the Guiness world record of the most flipped off president ever. FJB.
Hey Jackass! Whutz that tell ya!
Learn to read the signs Joe!
Biden means something different when he says he wants to give little kids the finger.
I would HOPE SO. Even little kids know what he is doing to this country.
I know this is a bit out of date, but in July 2022 my wife and I took a road trip from southern New Hampshire to southwest Colorado and back – over 6000 miles. One of the things I noticed – particularly on the secondary roads – was the vast number of Trump 2024 signs I saw EVERYWHERE – no matter what state we were in – and the exceedingly few Biden signs. And of the few Biden signs we saw, the majority of those were some variation of FJB. The only pro-Biden sign I can recall was a single bumper sticker for Biden/Harris 2020 on a Prius on the New York State Thruway.
If the Dems manage to drag Dopey Joe over the finish line again this year, I will never have any faith in our voting system ever again! There is no way Biden wins in 2024 without major fraud and cheating! The view on the ground tells the real story.
Peter – I agree. Wanna know who to vote for? Just ride out into Corn Land and look at the yard signs and the American flags!
Additionally, I travelled extensively when I worked. There are now many places that I used to go to that are off my list today thanks to what democRATz have done to our country.
Philly – Nope!
Baltimore – Nope
Chicago – Nope!
San Fran – Double Nope!
LA – Double Nope!
Seattle – Triple Nope!
NYC – Triple Nope!
And Mexico – NFW!
Considering the level of undeniable division and destruction that democRATz have inflicted on our country, anyone voting for Biden or ANY democRAT they’re either radical Leftist quislings or they’ve got a few screws lose! You don’t have to be a genius to see it either…and believe me these Leftist assholes are NOT geniuses! Just axe ’em: What’s a woman? What river? What sea?
Aaaaaaaaaaaannd on it goes!
There are not enough FUs in the universe for that fossilized pederast PoS…
Considering the level of undeniable division and destruction that … WTF? Project much ¿
Corn land aka hill-billy folks.
Dat calls fer anudder 10 billion in aid fer da Ukraine wit GOPee backing pushed thru by Mikey. Good to see that nice Christian boy has come to his senses.
All the king’s horses & all the king’s men can never ever put humpty dumpty back together again.
Little children acting out, you make America proud again that the right choice was made in 2020 & will happen again in 2024. Good to know the adults are making the decisions.