“Looking Ahead” my ass – IOTW Report

“Looking Ahead” my ass

Patriot Retort: For New Year’s, Hillary Clinton decided to pretend it was 2006 and she could pass for an Instagram model. Her “looking ahead” to 2022 tweet included a picture of Hillary back when she still had a discernable neck and chin. “Looking ahead” indeed.

20 Comments on “Looking Ahead” my ass

  1. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is not running for anything. She’s posing as a contender. Before her time is up, she will be claiming that her health is to precarious to stand trial for her corrupt deeds.

  2. Her primary goal remains as it was during Trump’s presidency: self-preservation. No prosecutions, no jail time. Her secondary goal is to receive affirmation that she’s relevant.

  3. Impossible to bull shit, eff over, kill, swindle, destroy, betray, cheat, and double cross that many people and not have enemies. She knows her jail-free days are numbered. Best defense? A good offense. She’s running to intimidate those who wanna get even.

  4. Who wants yesterday’s papers
    Who wants yesterday’s girl?
    Who wants yesterday’s papers?
    Nobody in the world.
    The Rolling Stones- “Yesterday’s papers”

  5. Willie doesn’t look too happy, either.

    Killary, Billy & Donnie please check out, time for a fresh start.

    Hello, Jeffery. People want Trump back is the difference, the sooner, the quicker.

    ROLCON is just not your thing.

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