Lots of Deleting and Censorship Going On – IOTW Report

Lots of Deleting and Censorship Going On


A writer for The Huffington Post is still waiting for an explanation as to why editors deleted his piece reporting that the FBI will pursue an indictment against Hillary Clinton.

Huffington Post freelance contributor Frank Huguenard, a scientist and public speaker, wrote a report for the liberal site Sunday entitled “Hillary Clinton to be Indicted On Federal Racketeering Charges.” But the piece was not up for long before the Huffington Post pulled it down and replaced it with a “404” Error screen.

“Huffpo has yet to respond to my request for an explanation,” Huguenard tweeted at this Breitbart News reporter Monday morning. “I’ve got my sources, they never asked.”

Huguenard later told Breitbart News, “I want to do another story but my HuffPo account has been temporarily disabled. Not sure what’s happening with them.”

Huffington Post Politics senior editor Sam Stein told Breitbart News that he doesn’t know why the piece was pulled.

“Sorry. I don’t know. I’d direct your question to a blog editor,” Stein said.

The original post included:

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime.  RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Activity considered to be racketeering may include bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other nefarious business practices.

James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.


There is also deleting of comments on a very popular #NeverTrump site. I was shocked to see this.

8 Comments on Lots of Deleting and Censorship Going On

  1. I’ shocked the #ForeverHillary Closet Communist Cuck Party – CCCP for short – are censoring public comment and sending people to electronic Siberia. It’s like something out of the Soviet Union . . . .

  2. Huffingglue has always been to the left of Stalin with their editorial stance.
    I don’t understand why he thought he could publish a story like that there in the first place.
    The site is a safe space and echo chamber for people on the left. There are sites on the right that operate in the same manner.

  3. Frank is typical of those who blog for and are affiliated with the Leftist Propaganda machine..they are foolish to think they have liberty to actually (GASP) post something valid and in any way harmful to the Clinton Cartel…

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