Louisiana Vote Strengthens Pro-Gun Majority In U.S. Senate – IOTW Report

Louisiana Vote Strengthens Pro-Gun Majority In U.S. Senate


In Saturday’s run-off election, Louisiana voters elected Republican John Kennedy to the U.S. Senate, strengthening the pro-gun majority in that legislative body.

The election of Kennedy, currently the Louisiana state treasurer, gives Republicans a 52-48 edge in the upcoming legislative session. Kennedy told supporters that he represents the sort of change in Washington that Americans supported nationwide when they voted for President-elect Donald Trump.

“I believe that our future can be better than our present, but not if we keep going in the direction the Washington insiders have taken us the last eight years,” Kennedy said. “That’s about to change, folks.”


6 Comments on Louisiana Vote Strengthens Pro-Gun Majority In U.S. Senate

  1. Since the Hairy Reed [sic] KILLED the filibuster, 51 is as good as 60, right?

    Look for the NY Times, the WaPo and the rest of the MSM to suddenly become cheerleaders for the “civil and deliberate rules of the Senate”. Filibustering is only BAD when Democrats control the Senate.

  2. MJA…. the Federal District Judge just ruled that the electoral college voters must vote as their states did to elect a POTUS. Big news for those “faithless electors” planning otherwise. Now the state boards of election can replace the faithless ones and cancel their rogue votes. While this suit was brought in CO, it applies across the nation.

  3. I had the honour to vote for John Kennedy TWICE; first in the general election and then in the runoff election. I also donated a couple or three times to his campaign. What sold me on him? His rating from the NRA, of which I am a member.

    Foster Campbell was a lying snake about his position on 2A.

  4. The one that really needed a boot out the damn door was McConnell. Appointing his wife to his Cabinet doesn’t matter a whit with his announcement that Trump’s planned tax rate cuts would blow up the deficit.

    It’s always about the government getting more & more. Record tax revenues aren’t enough for these scumbags. More More More.

    Can’t wait to see Ryan’s take on these rate cuts.

  5. Mitch could have his whole fam damily hired by Trump making the BIG bucks, it wouldn’t matter, once a progressive, big government RINO, always a progressive, big government RINO.
    I don’t think Ryan will be any different than what he has been…a RINO.

  6. Why are there “pro-gun” and “anti-gun” people in Congress?
    Are there “pro-hammer” and “anti-hammer” people?
    “Pro-screwdriver” and “anti-screwdriver” people?

    What the fuck is wrong with us?

    More people were killed in Chicago with golf clubs than “assault” rifles the year Chicago outlawed “assault” rifles!

    Are there “pro-golf club” people and “anti-golf club” people in Congress?

    This is massive dissimulation – political legerdemain.

    izlamo delenda est …

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