Low IQ People on Street Agree With Mark Dice – We Should Repeal the 1st Amendment… (Remember,They Vote) – IOTW Report

Low IQ People on Street Agree With Mark Dice – We Should Repeal the 1st Amendment… (Remember,They Vote)

8 Comments on Low IQ People on Street Agree With Mark Dice – We Should Repeal the 1st Amendment… (Remember,They Vote)

  1. I know that many times on here, I have made the wish that stupidity like this should be painful.
    Maybe I should have clarified my wish by saying I meant for it to be painful for THEM, not ME!

  2. Just yesterday on MY jobsite, the tile guy thought he was in the company of a fellow traveler when he started a conversation with me by declaring those who think the pandemic is a hoax are nuts. Because, “Why would ANYONE want to cripple the economy?!” He was expecting enthusiastic agreement; instead he got, “In order to control people.”

    Aaand they’re off!

    Don’t have time to give you a blow by blow, but AA was unchained. It’s not just the young. 50-something tradespeople are just as thoroughly ignorant.

    The calmer and more fact filled I was the madder he got. I don’t usually engage with massive hotheads, but I was having a good time. He ended up sorta apologizing for being an uncontrolled hothead, but I suspect this is his typical way of winning his ignorant arguments.

  3. MissInMi
    JULY 23, 2021 AT 12:15 PM
    “I know that many times on here, I have made the wish that stupidity like this should be painful.
    Maybe I should have clarified my wish by saying I meant for it to be painful for THEM, not ME!”

    …Bane’s got ya covered…


  4. Here is one of CNNs daily stupidness headlines:

    “Ten Years After Her Death, Why Amy Winehouse Is Still So Important”.

    I don’t get what makes her important. Anybody know? Every damned day, CNN has stupidity on parade. Another of today’s offerings: CNN cooked 48 meals to find the best non-stick frying pan. CNN – get the fuggouttahere.

  5. Here is today’s MS News dose of its insane brand of “news”:

    -Nicole Kidman Looks So Different With A Strawberry Blonde Pixie Cut.

    -What Every Secret Code Word In The Royal Family Means.

    No wonder the average IQ is so low. This is just a modern version of Bread & Circuses to keep the lid on a boiling pot.


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