Lt. Col Scheller Sent To The Brig To Shut Him Up – IOTW Report

Lt. Col Scheller Sent To The Brig To Shut Him Up

Task & Purpose

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the Marine officer whose meteoric rise to internet fandom began with a video criticizing military leadership over Afghanistan, is currently in the brig, his father told Task & Purpose.

“All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud,” said Stu Scheller Sr. “He was asking for accountability. In fact, I think he even asked for an apology that we made mistakes, but they couldn’t do that, which is mind-blowing.” More

16 Comments on Lt. Col Scheller Sent To The Brig To Shut Him Up

  1. The assklowns masquerading as the military’s flag officers are a bunch of incompetent, corrupt assholes who use the UCMJ as a bludgeon to control any real soldiers, sailors, airmen or Marines who get too uppity. These sonsofbitches are railroading our real military members so bad that they should go work for *Biden’s Amtrak.

    Look at LtCol Scheller and that Navy SEAL Chief for proof of the railroading.

  2. Lt. Col Scheller, a leader of men, more sense and balls than Biden, Sec. of Defense, State Dept. and the Perfumed Political Princes in the Joint Chiefs combined. The paper pushers sat on their hands and screwed the pooch in Afghanistan.

    What pisses the Generals off more than anything was this Lt. Colonel was 100% right. He said what every NCO, Sr. NCO and other line officers were saying or thought.

    Biden and his cabal of corrupt-o-crats are the ones who deserve to be in the Brig and charged with incompetence, cowardice, the deaths of 13 service members and 120+ civilians (not to mention the drone assassination of an Afghan Family).
    Biden’s Brigade of Baffoons !

  3. Lt. Col Scheller, a leader of men, more sense and balls than Biden, Sec. of Defense, State Dept. and the Perfumed Political Princes in the Joint Chiefs combined. The paper pushers sat on their hands and screwed the pooch in Afghanistan.

    What pisses the Generals off more than anything was this Lt. Colonel was 100% right. He said what every NCO, Sr. NCO and other line officers were saying or thought.

    Biden and his cabal of corrupt-o-crats are the ones who deserve to be in the Brig and charged with incompetence, cowardice, the deaths of 13 service members and 120+ civilians (not to mention the drone assassination of an Afghan Family).
    Biden’s Brigade of Baffoons !

  4. The Biden malAdministration is a little slow on the uptake. It was probably close to twenty years ago that Rush pointed out and gave us the name The Streisand Effect, a phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of that information, often via the Internet.

  5. @DumbPlumber: I want him roasting for eternity, and every 10 seconds scream out in pain. Pain for all the hurt and suffering he has sprung on Americans. I don’t recall ever such a liar, cheater, pedophile as Biden being a resident in the White House. Even Clinton wasn’t as brazen as F Joe Biden. His son is a spittin image of his sperm donor. Compare Humper to Trump’s boys, nuff said.

  6. There aren’t many left in the military above the pay grade of 05 that hasn’t turned into a chair polishing suck up toad. The good ones are all trying to maintain a low profile until the real shit happens!


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