MABA – Make A#$%O@E Bartend Again – IOTW Report

MABA – Make A#$%O@E Bartend Again

12 Comments on MABA – Make A#$%O@E Bartend Again

  1. I tweeted at her a couple of days ago in response to her tweet saying ‘they’re going to make AOC bartend again.’
    I said: Silly of anyone to think you will ever need to bartend again. You are gonna make BANK from this Representative gig, and long afterwards from all of your adorers.

  2. What am I looking at. I ran a nite club for years. All I see is a slow bar back mixing one drink at a time while constantly looking over her shoulder at the actual bartender in order to get instructions.

  3. “$2.13 an hour isn’t a living wage!”
    Except, WITH tips, that job comes to around $30/hr…MINIMUM.
    F*ck you, Chiquita Khrushchev.

  4. @Differnt Tim – “Here’s your Bud but whats an Acasio Cortez? Customer: An empty glass.”
    Frikken brilliant! That should be what every patron in every bar asks for when needed: Hey barkeep, an AOC here please….. thanks.

  5. At $15 an hour, the prices go up, Staff is reduced and overworked. The good staff leave to go make some real money elsewhere, the service goes down in quality, and the general quality of everything goes down as the socialist miasma marches on.

  6. “People shouldn’t have to do a good job so they clean up in tips. They should be able to do a crappy job, when they bother to show up, and get paid a ton of money for it. And they should have unlimited sick days so they don’t have to show up if they don’t want to.”

    Hmm, maybe I should announce my candidacy for the Democratic Presidential primaries.


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