Make way for ‘the Teddy’ at the trough – IOTW Report

Make way for ‘the Teddy’ at the trough

Howie Carr: You know those trillions of dollars in federal COVID-19 “relief” funds that been doled out to the hackerama over the last two years?

Now it turns out that the local boondoggle known as the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate has been handed $5 million from the latest $350 billion relief package in what Dementia Joe Biden sometimes calls the American Relief Pan.

Five million more bucks for that grotesque white elephant memorial to one of the biggest degenerates in American history. But the hacks on Beacon Hill refuse to give even a dime of tax relief to Bay State motorists.

How Massachusetts is it?

This story of Panic-related waste was broken recently by the Associated Press.

From here on out, let’s just keep it simple and call this massive scam “the Teddy.”

So here’s my next question: Have you, or do you even know anyone who has, ever visited the Teddy, and that would include any school-age kids who were dragged there under duress on an “outing?” more here

10 Comments on Make way for ‘the Teddy’ at the trough

  1. @efemdy. You lived through the Teddy years. You did better than Mary Jo Kopechne.

    When I worked in Hyannis MA a coworker was hit upon heavily by Teddy at a local watering hole. She shunned him.

    She was a Midwest beauty.

  2. You guys have way to many Kennedy’s down there.
    Bloody everywhere, like Turdeau’s Up here.

    John Kennedy of Louisiana Seems Okay.


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