Making Space Mining A Reality – IOTW Report

Making Space Mining A Reality


A number of wealthy entrepreneurs are turning their attention towards the, potentially, hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of business to be done mining the moon and asteroids.   While every desirable element known to man can be found floating about the solar system, water is expected to be the key to unlocking vast stores of wealth.


15 Comments on Making Space Mining A Reality

  1. Whenever there’s talk of space mining the movie Outland comes to mind. It’s a great retelling of High Noon in space except with Sean Connery playing the reluctant Gary Cooper Marshall character who can’t get anyone to help him clean up the corruption in the outer space mines. With Peter Boyle as the bad guy, it’s a great movie.

  2. Transportation costs seem to be a huge problem. And then ya got the problem of assembling a crew that might want to mine Uranus….

    First Uranus joke…what do I win?…

  3. Amazingly enough, one of the most abundant substances in the universe is water.
    From a NASA site:

    The chemical elements in water, hydrogen and oxygen, are some of the most abundant elements in the universe. Astronomers see the signature of water in giant molecular clouds between the stars, in disks of material that represent newborn planetary systems, and in the atmospheres of giant planets orbiting other stars.

    There are several worlds thought to possess liquid water beneath their surfaces, and many more that have water in the form of ice or vapor. Water is found in primitive bodies like comets and asteroids, and dwarf planets like Ceres.

  4. It’s to the Moon for us first.
    We need a generation living on the lower gravity in order to produce children capable of working in the microgravities out in the belt.
    Also, the moon has lots of cool stuff.
    The golf will be outstanding

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