Man arrested in ‘Call of Duty’ ‘swatting’ hoax that led to fatal police shooting – IOTW Report

Man arrested in ‘Call of Duty’ ‘swatting’ hoax that led to fatal police shooting

FOX: A 25-year-old California man was arrested in connection to an online quarrel between two “Call of Duty” gamers that prompted a hoax call and led to a man being killed by police in Kansas.

Los Angeles police on Friday arrested Tyler Barriss, who law enforcement claimed is the “prankster” who called 911 and made up a story about a kidnapping in Wichita, ABC 7 reported.

Barriss reportedly gave police the address he believed the other gamer lived.

In the audio of the 911 call, the caller claimed his father had been shot in the head and that he was holding his mother and a sibling at gunpoint. The caller added that he poured gasoline inside the home and “might just set it on fire.”

he address was for the home of Andrew Finch, 28, whom police believed was not involved in any argument on “Call of Duty.”

Wichita Deputy Police Chief Troy Livingston, speaking at a news conference, said the hoax call was a case of “swatting,” in which a person makes up a false report to get a SWAT team to descend on an address.  read more

20 Comments on Man arrested in ‘Call of Duty’ ‘swatting’ hoax that led to fatal police shooting

  1. Does anyone know (w/o giving too many details) how anyone would know an address of someone with a fake screen name? Does X-Box have a way for someone to figure this out?

    Sounds pretty dangerous to me. How easily you can be exposed on this platform. I suspect someone has a friend working at an ISP, and they can look up that info and leak it.

  2. “Tyler Barriss” doesn’t sound like an illegal beaner name; so I guess even those assholes in California should have no problem extraditing him to Kansas, unless this is a now a federal crime; and then there should be no choice.

    But you can be guaranteed that somewhere in LA, some democrat asshole is trying to see how much political hay they can garner by protecting this littles shitbag because, of course, “Kansas is full of racist Trumpsters!!!!”

  3. Once again, not a white vs. black issue, a blue vs. everyone else issue. Fuck “To Protect and Servel, it’s now all about “I’m police, I’m special, the only thing that matters is I go home safe.” It’s fucked up when cops treat the US as a free fire zone with looser rules of engagement than we had in Iraq.

  4. So, ummmm the lesson here is, don’t stop to pull up your pants when Barney Fife has his weapon pulled….. Tragic!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. I’m suspicious because the police released the body cam footage of a different cop and not the cop who did the shooting.
    So the view is not clear.
    The caller should be booked on murder and made an example of very publicly to maybe stop a few of these incidents of swatting.

  6. Courts have given cops the freedom to murder at will. So this is just another example of cops exercising their freedom. Think cops are your friend? Think again. If you have a problem and call a cop, now you have two problems.

  7. Crackerbaby – The problem is that you have no idea what the cop is thinking whether you move, or don’t move. They can shoot you dead first and then say “Oops! Sorry!”

  8. @It’s an outrage, anyone with even half a brain knows that if you report a murder and pending arson, or similarly violent crime, the cops will be coming and be loaded and full of adrenaline and looking to take out the violent criminal.
    The azzhat who called has probably played enough shooting games that he’s seen the scenario.
    Book him.

  9. So the guy made a move to his waistband. And the cop was afraid he was going to drop trou and moon him and, by God, he has a right to go home after the shift without viewing an asshole. Is that his claim? Remember the cop in Georgia that knocked on the wrong door, kid answers holding a video game controller, so the cop blew him away? No billed. And the girl in Minneapolis shot by the Somalian cop for no known reason. Nothing happening to him. It’s time for a White Lives Matter demonstration. I want one of those 75 inch TVs anyway.

  10. Couple weeks ago Bexar County Texas Sheriff’s deputies were called to serve a warrant on a female barfbag. Barfbag was cornered by FOUR deputies while she was breaking into a trailer home. She was unarmed. They were operating under the apprehension she was.

    After the fusillade of pistol (and rifle) fire Barfbag is deceased. But so is an six year old boy inside the trailer. Shot in the guts. They claimed the felony warrant Barfbag had a “cylindrical black object” before opening fire on her. None of the deputies has been arrested.

    It’s gone from production of a weapon to merely the apprehension of the production of a weapon, any weapon, that allows Enforcers to mow you down. They don’t give a shit about greasing anyone because they don’t have to.

  11. You notice that every burg of about 15k people has a GD SWAT team now, and they load out to do everything from nonviolent warrant serving to “cat up a tree”? Strangely enough, these untrained asshats tend to kill everything in front of them always.

  12. @ Nunya Bidness,
    Yeah, so what? should I threaten to shoot all mutherphuckers who knock on my door? Yeah, no! I will be the next dumbass you hear about. Whilst it would be my pleasure to see all assholes dead, I have children to protect. Once they are grown and on their own, I will be more than happy to make a stand.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  13. If a cop makes that kind of mistake, poor training or poor psych evaluation is indicated. The PD should be put through the wringer. The cop/shooter should certainly not be a cop; nor should he/she be allowed to carry. I don’t want to be shot when reaching for my wallet at Target.

  14. The cops were quick to put the blame ion the swatter, but from what I saw, a too fast on the trigger cop is the killer.
    Unarmed, done nothing wrong, murdered by cop in your own doorway – should never happen.

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