Man Caught Spray Painting Swastika On College Campus Is Black, Report Says – IOTW Report

Man Caught Spray Painting Swastika On College Campus Is Black, Report Says


A 52-year-old black man is being charged with destruction of property after allegedly getting caught spray-painting a swastika inside campus living quarters, according to Fox5.

Officials for the school discovered the swastika on a trash cart inside the fifth floor of Hagerstown Hall.

One student, apparently bewildered by the news, didn’t seem to recognize the possibility of Ronald Alford Sr.’s artwork being an attempt to stage anti-Semitic sentiment at the college.

“I guess it proves that you don’t have to be a certain race to hate people,” student Abby Gorun told Fox5. “But I mean, it’s just you would think that someone, especially from a race that has been subjected to hate before, you would think why would you want to reciprocate that to somebody else?”

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19 Comments on Man Caught Spray Painting Swastika On College Campus Is Black, Report Says

  1. Are any of these people for real?! Or are we all just being trolled? I mean, come on, the incidence of any kind of real “hate crime” or “hate speech” seems to always originate with the faux victims. If I was part of law enforcement I would treat all of these incidents the way homocide detectives approach a woman going missing or murdered — look at the boyfriend or the husband.

  2. “I guess it proves that you don’t have to be a certain race to hate people,” student Abby Gorun told Fox5.
    I guess if she got her nose out of her phone, stopped, looked and listened, Abby wouldn’t sound like such a dim wit.
    It’s out there every day, just listen.

  3. “…from a race that has been subjected to hate before….”

    And how much of the “hate” that is faced by that race today is manufactured by that race so that they can continue to play the race card, while whites who are really victims of racially motivated crimes are told to stuff it because of their white privilege?

  4. This isn’t destruction of public property, this is at a minimum a hate crime or incitement to riot. This “activist” needs at least 2 or 3 years in prison with his case made highly public. From now on any act in this nature needs to be highly investigated because all are suspect and this agiprop by the left won’t stop until they realize that there’s a better then even chance of hard time.

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