Man Pens Piece on Post Trump Stress Disorder, Then Dies – IOTW Report

Man Pens Piece on Post Trump Stress Disorder, Then Dies


Jeff Gillenkirk who made his living as a communications expert for non-profits in and around San Francisco as well as a writer, had written a piece earlier this week for AlterNet titled: “The New PTSD: Post-Trump Stress Disorder.”  Apparently he let it get too him because AlterNet published his obit yesterday.


I kind of wish he’d have stuck around for 8 years of Trump before passing.

28 Comments on Man Pens Piece on Post Trump Stress Disorder, Then Dies

  1. He left a longtime partner:
    “In 2002, Gillenkirk fell in love with Katie Kleinsasser, a consultant for Planned Parenthood and other nonprofits. As the relationship blossomed, they…” made lampshades from aborted fetuses.

    Where you spend Eternity you won’t see the souls of all the children that your lady friend helped destroy.

  2. Per the obit:
    Former speech writer for Cuomo
    Former campign staffer to Barbara Boxer
    Current wife – Planner Parenthood consultant
    Contributor to Mother Jones.
    Penned column on Post Trump Stress Disorder (oh how clever)

    It doesn’t specify but I wonder if he was a democrat?

  3. You never like to see someone passing away however perhaps in this case it may have been a blessing for him. Imagine the anguish, the heartache and the depression he would have suffered over the next eight years as Trump rebuilds the economy damaged by years of Obama, renews the trust that former allies had with America, enhances and expands the freedoms Americans enjoyed that were curtailed with the Democrat support of hate groups such as BLM and effectively turning America back into the “Shining City Upon a Hill” that the late and lamented President Reagan spoke about. It would have been cruel to have wished for him to witness all that he believed in crumble all around. RIP sir and I hope you find peace wherever you are.


    It was just a short matter of time before a whacky lib would pen a column and then have a heart attack and die.

    Poisson has a theory on random arrivals. You know when you are driving and the on-coming car meets you at the skinny bridge? It’s like that.

    Given the population of whack job who write, because that’s all they can do, it was just a short matter of waiting. I’m sure there will be others too. Should be fun to watch.

  5. Why are people like this so upset about Trump’s election? Aside from the fact that they will be unable to completely control other people’s lives, I can’t see their lives really changing. They can still champion whatever ideas they have, and they can still write angry missives and articles complaining abuot this, that and the other.

    I suppose to the extent that this is a stressful time, it may be that they don’t have the power of government to foist their unpopular positions on the rest of America. But then again, they can still voluntarily act like they are in a gulag, and this should keep the progressives happy.

  6. As I read all of these absolutely awful comments, I am shocked and stunned by the outright hatred for someone NONE of you even know. What has happened to all of you to have such darkness in your hearts? You conservatives claim to be Christians but I know of no such church or religion that condones such hateful behavior of a fellow human being. I happen to have known Jeff and he was an extremely intelligent man (unlike all of you) with strong convictions and a great talent for writing. And, the hair is all his, too! Are you serious, really? Attacking his hair? All of you who have written in with nothing but hate in your hearts for a fellow human being who happens to think differently than you are all STUPID FAT ODIOUS PIGS who don’t even deserve to be a member of the human race. You have fallen so far off the map of human goodness, no one will miss you when you all rot in hell.

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