Man tries to snatch purse, it doesn’t go so well for him, unless he is into broomsticks in his… – IOTW Report

Man tries to snatch purse, it doesn’t go so well for him, unless he is into broomsticks in his…


A black man who tried to rob an Asian lady of her purse was surrounded by locals in Brooklyn Chinatown.

He was pushed and smacked and eventually, his pants fall down, exposing his bare backside. An Asian local actually tries to ram-rod a broomstick in his derrière.

The video later shows that many Chinese people immediately surrounded the man. Once that happened, they attacked the man with a broomstick and pushed him across the street.

The man is lucky the Asian dude’s aim was a little off.

32 Comments on Man tries to snatch purse, it doesn’t go so well for him, unless he is into broomsticks in his…

  1. If I had a broomstick in my hands, and a big fat black ass in front of me, the last thing I would think about is sticking the broomstick in that ass. Maybe it’s just me, but that’s not what I’d be preparing to do.

  2. …in fairness, the droopy-pants look that’s all the rage in thug circles comes from prison where it was used to signal prison bitch availability, so you can’t blame the Asian guy for just doing what the Black guy’s culture says he’s signaling for in the FIRST place.

    …it’s just a cultural misunderstanding, he doesn’t get that it’s REALLY like THIS…

  3. “An Asian local actually tries to ram-rod a broomstick in his derrière.”

    I wonder if the Chinese guy with the broomstick said while poking him “Shove it up your butt!” in Mandarin?

  4. “Not lettin’ black folk punch out lil’ ol’ chink ladies and steal dey purse is racism, yo!”

    – Negro in ER with broomstick up his ass

    Seriously, there are literally millions of people in our cities who should be eradicated like vermin for the good of mankind.

  5. I was glad to see someone forcefully defend the woman. I’m sick of watching videos where someone is robbed or assaulted and the overriding action of everyone nearby is to use their phones to take a video.

  6. Yeah……I wouldn’t have tried “The Jab”.
    I would have given it a good old-fashioned baseball swing across that fat ass, that would have sent Mr purse-snatcher dancin’ in the street, squealin’ like a pig. Even if it was only one swing, I would have been swingin’ to the Green Dragon (BoSox fans know what I’m talking about)

  7. ..oh, is THAT what this song is about?

    Huh, learn something new each day…

    “There were funky China men from funky Chinatown
    They were chopping them up, they were chopping them down
    It’s an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their part
    From a feint into a slip and a kicking from the hip”
    -Carl Douglas, “Kung Fu Fighting”

  8. “I would have given it a good old-fashioned baseball swing across that fat ass,”

    Jabs where it’s at Brocephus. Harder to defend against. Base of the skull would have produced some results.

  9. Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah
    Everybody was Broom Fu Fighting
    Those brooms were fast as lightning
    In fact, it was a little bit frightening
    But they fought with expert timing….

  10. I had a guy working part time during the day for me who was a paramedic at night. He got a call when the local Dominos Pizza was robbed and the Asian gangsters who robbed it had tied all of the employees to the overhead fire suppression system. They were all fine except the big fat manager who they had taken a commercial scoopula and shoved it up his ass. They had to transport him to the hospital face down on a gurney to have it removed.

  11. When the police are “handcuffed” by their superiors, defunded by Democrats, or ran out of the city by street thugs this is exactly what you will get more of; vigilante justice will get more prevalent and it will get far worse than a broomstick. It won’t take long now for a full breakdown of our once great and civil society. Oh, and by the way, when the police finally do respond they won’t even bother arresting the criminal – they will go after the vigilantes. So if you support or engage in VJ then make sure everyone has their stories straight and alibis tight.

  12. Bring in a couple kung foo fighters, teach Obama’s son a lesson. Do that 3 times a day. In about 10 years the rest of the joggers will figure out it’s not smart to mess with the Chinese.

  13. A JDHasty: As long as we’re talking about “paying good money”, how about just a lamppost hanging with no drop? He has committed crimes against humanity, here and abroad.


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