Man Wearing Trump Hat Assaulted on NYC Subway – IOTW Report

Man Wearing Trump Hat Assaulted on NYC Subway


A man says he was attacked by two men on a New York City subway simply because he was wearing a hat in support of President-elect Donald Trump.

Corey Cataldo, 24, of the Bronx, said he was riding the uptown 5 train from Union Square to Morris Park Friday when a fellow rider on the subway noticed his “Make America Great Again” hat and didn’t like it, WABC reported.

“He asked me if I’m a Trump supporter. I said ‘yeah’ and thought he’d say ‘me too.’ People have been doing that,” Cataldo said. “But no. This man was not a Trump supporter.”

“The next thing I know, I have hands around my neck and I’m being choked,”


10 Comments on Man Wearing Trump Hat Assaulted on NYC Subway

  1. these morons need to identify themselves by wearing “make america suck again” hats

    yet another incident proving we are on the path to recovery after 8 years of demise under the failed black president experiment

  2. Until we get a Department of Justice and Attorney General who is willing to uphold the laws of the land, live like you are in a war zone and the enemy surrounds you. If you cannot carry gun, carry pepper spray or Mace and learn how to defend yourself. Someone should start with de Blasio and once he is gone, establish 2nd Amendment rights back to NYC. Living there is like living in Poofville UK. I am weary of these leftists and their agendas. De Blasio’s reputation and popularity is in the crapper along with his punk ass attitude.

  3. Trump has 2 months of just chilling out. By that I mean “seem to get along with whatever arises”. Make no waves. He’s definitely gotta do that in order to do what needs to be done after Jan. 20. He’s obviously laying low.

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