Houston ‘F**k Trump’ Protest Wants “A World Without Police’ – IOTW Report

Houston ‘F**k Trump’ Protest Wants “A World Without Police’

Breitbart: HOUSTON, Texas — A “F**k Trump” protest was held at the University of Houston that was billed as “A World Without Police.” It was organized by a group of the same name. DREAMers and “Undocumented! Unafraid!” activists were also part of the protest.

The flyer reads: “F**k Trump No To Hillary & All ‘Lesser Evils.”

It continues, “No one is coming to save us from these capitalist, racist and misogynist scum. We have only ourselves.”

The notice also lists a website, AWORLDWITHOUTPOLICE.ORG, and a Facebook page, FB.COM/AWORLDWITHOUTPOLICE. When checked, the listed Facebook page shows the message, “Sorry, this page isn’t available.”

“OUR PLAN,” says the organizers on the flyers in bold font and all caps is to:

  • Protect each other from ICE and police
  • Protect muslim, poc and queer folx from vigilante violence
  • Provide each other sanctuary
  • Disempower: build our capacity to rely on each other and keep cops out the hood
  • Disarm: defund the police and take away the weapons they use against us
  • Disband: abolish the police & transform society so that wealth is freely available to all!

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27 Comments on Houston ‘F**k Trump’ Protest Wants “A World Without Police’

  1. Just imagine, if you will, traveling back in time. Today is November 17, 1954. You pick up this flyer from a stack outside the gas station where you buy your gas (where guys in white shirts and caps just checked your oil, washed your windows and said “Thank you, sir/m’am!”).

    The reason you can’t imagine it is because we’ve lost our grip on what it means and what it takes to preserve true conservatism and we need to get that grip back.

  2. “transform society so that wealth is freely available to all”

    this right here is how you know, liberalism is a mental disorder.
    really? just decree, wealth for all.
    such simpletons.

  3. BB- sounds like we may have some free targets to practice on. Awww these little snowflakes are going to get all bloody red. Houston PD should refuse to respond to any calls related to these zombies. DEAD MEN / WOMEN WALKING.

  4. They are cum stains on the crisp white sheets of life. I live in Houston, no-one is actively discriminatory towards these people. If you were you would be run out of town or packed into a cheap pine box so fast your head would spin.

  5. It’s past time to break out the water cannons on the rioters. The liberal meltdown has been very enjoyable but now it’s just getting pathetic. Grow the F*ck up or get the F*ck out!

  6. the only world without police and the other things these
    cry babies want will only come when Jesus returns-and then HE is going to beat them all with a rod of iron into submission. 🙂

  7. The best description of feudalism I have heard is “strong, stronger and strongest.” This was the accepted model of hierarchy until various societies began putting restrictions on its leaders so that there were checks on the strong, stronger and strongest. Essentially, the idea is to have a uniform system of laws that all are subject to.

    These dunderheads want to ignore and scrap laws they do not agree with, as well as dismantle the system by which these laws are enforced. All we have to do is look through history to see how this worked, and it didn’t work well for those at the bottom of the societal order in particular. These folks are delusional; they are at the bottom of the pecking order and the only thing that keeps them from being exploited more than they think they are is the rule of law and the ability to enforce that law.

    Like the woman in the video posted yesterday noted, social justice warriors are armed only with posters and placards. And if they have their way, they will find out the hard way that posters and placards are ineffectual in a world of strong, stronger and strongest.

  8. If it weren’t for the cops, who’d collect the revenue?
    Without tickets, fines, DWIs, parking violations, an all that shit, most cities would be bankrupt!
    Take the speeding and red-light cameras out of DC and the ficials wouldn;t have enough swag to steal.

  9. I believe what these evil little people really want is for there to be no armed people to stop them from doing whatever the hell it is they want to do.

    But without disarming the general population…

    Without govt police, who have no duty to actually protect or defend anyone or anything, the crooks of the world would be faced either with owners defending their own property, or contracted security company personnel, when they try to rob or injure people. Either way, the defenders would have a far, far greater incentive to neutralize any threats permanently then govt enforcers have today. It would be intense and expensive at first, but it wouldn’t take long for the attrition rate of the bad guy population to take things to a more reasonable level fairly quickly.

  10. These citizens of the third world will continue with their militant demands for a short time.

    Mayors of sanctuary cities can strut before the complicit press with promises to thwart President Trump. G’head Deblasio, destroy your lists.

    Facial recognition software is as accurate as fingerprints. We’ll know where to find you.

  11. In a realer world 5 titanium poles would pop up in the middle of the streets and mow the mobs down. Then the scooper trucks would collect up our future Soylent Green.

    Someone asked me if I was alt/right. I said no, I was more ctrl/shift. Dems seem to lean heavily toward caps/lock.

  12. Okay, first they say they are “Undocumented! Unafraid!” and then they need the university to provide them a “safe space.” Which is it, kids? If you’re unafraid, why do you need a safe space?

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