Manicurist On Call For 2 Week Vacation? – IOTW Report

Manicurist On Call For 2 Week Vacation?

Inside the Obamas’ $12m summer vacation spot: Seven bedrooms, a tennis court, an infinity pool and a manicurist on call

President Barack Obama will spend summer vacation on Martha's Vineyard

The president and his family have spent nearly every summer on the tony Massachusetts island since he was elected into the White House in 2008. The Boston Herald reports that the president will spend August 8-23 staying at the same $12million Chilmark cottage he rented last year. The president will likely spend most of his time on the golf course, but is sure to make time for family bike rides and date nights with first lady Michelle.

22 Comments on Manicurist On Call For 2 Week Vacation?

  1. Actually that “manicurist” is a skilled tool and die maker, because trimming Sasquatch claws requires special machine tools made of Tungsten Carbide alloy. Plus the house probably has a 3-phase 400amp power connection to run that all of that Sasquatch hygiene equipment

    They likely have the Secret Service patrol the local forest and bring back small woodland creatures for Mooch to devour, the Presidential visit/Bigfoot sightings caused too much commotion with Mass residents

  2. Live it up, Obama. After you leave office, continue living like a king. Burn through your speaking fees and million dollar advances for ghost-written memoirs. Make yourself the greatest useless mouth that Hollywood and the left has to feed and bankrupt them. Then when the money is gone and you are millions of dollars in debt, shuffle off to the trailer park with all of those spendthrifts who end up with nothing a few years after winning the lottery.

  3. You’d think for the price of that vacation, we’d be allowed to witness what goes on in the Obama bedroom at night. On second thought, forget it. I have a weak stomach.

  4. I’m probably just a dinosaur and too UNrich to find the money for nail and foot pampering. For the life of me, I cannot understand why people do not do their own manicures and pedicures, unless they cannot do so for age related or physical reasons. Of course, I don’t do tacky ghetto nails, nor do I paint the Cysteine Chapel on my nails.

    My mom taught me grooming and what she didn’t know, I learned myself.

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