Marc Lamont Hill’s Twitter Banner – IOTW Report

Marc Lamont Hill’s Twitter Banner

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13 Comments on Marc Lamont Hill’s Twitter Banner

  1. As opposed to Muhammad’s Mosque of Christian Science.

    Okay, Marc, don’t be so obvious and desperate. I’m sure Obama will mention you by name at least once before he leaves office.

  2. The guy hates himself for being born negro in a country where he’s been rewarded far beyond his abilities.

    Pity the fool … 50 yrs from now he’ll be a hateful, rancid, old drunk, or dopehead, railing against the machine and cursing God Almighty for not being born white.

    He’ll never appreciate the gifts that God has given him – he’ll always chalk it up to Affirmative Action.

  3. “DR” Marc Lamont Hill was the dumb ass who at least used to appear on O’Reilly back when I watched it. Living proof that you can get a Doctorate (in something) while possessing Zero common sense or logic!! The guy’s opinions are literally unintelligble; he’s a waste of time.

  4. He once had the arrogance to state on Bill O’Reilly that GWB wasn’t qualified to get into Yale and only got in as a legacy due to his father.

    But this guy and BHO can’t have their qualifications examined because…wait for it


  5. He tried to influence the election of Netanyahu by staging some GOD AWFUL social justice street theatre on Israeli soil in hopes to overthrow Benjamin. The reason this douche bag talks so fast is because he snorts mounds of cocaine to cover up his feminine lisp.

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