Marine Corps will reinvent itself ‘to reflect America,’ top general says – IOTW Report

Marine Corps will reinvent itself ‘to reflect America,’ top general says

FOX: A top general for the Marine Corps says the force is working to reinvent itself in an attempt “to reflect America” and the current values embraced by society today.

The remarks on an overhaul to address diversity and troop retainment in the Marine Corps were made by Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps, in an interview with NPR’s Morning Edition.

According to Berger, Marines will work “to reflect America, to reflect the society we come from,” adding that the decision is not one related to being “woke” or politically correct. more here h/t Doc.

29 Comments on Marine Corps will reinvent itself ‘to reflect America,’ top general says

  1. Gads! The Marine “CORPSE” has attained its obamination nomenclature.

    Now the freak show military disorganisation should change its name officially to reflect THE GOAL OF THE COMMIE LEFT: the DEATH OF AMERICA.

    The Marine ‘Corpse’.

  2. So what’s next?

    -Saluting with styrofoam cups in hand?

    -Umbrella Stands formed as a Marine ‘Corpse’person?

    -a cornucopia of different styles and colors, non-gender non-uniforms? (Can’t you just see the military parade of the future? All decked out looking like they shopped in a thrift shop.). (One word comes to mind: GOOD LORD??!! I can use what lever counting method, too)

    -can you see the parade of chaos? No discipline, no training, the new FERAL MARINE ‘CORPSE’, with all of the commie American military following suit?

    We will have one ‘military’ organization, because recruiting standards are gone. No more military parades , they are ALL on ‘family leave’ for newborns.

  3. Ahhh Shit! We’re screwed.
    When you reinvent yourself to reflect a f**ked up culture,and not to set yourself apart as a force with great character and strength, you might as well pack up and go home.

  4. Berger, another political, social justice perfumed prince in the Pentagon.
    Don’t Pfuk with Chesty Puller’s Marine Corps!!!!

    Marine Corps History will reflect your incompetence in Afghanistan and as a failed leader of The Corps and those who have and are serving her.
    Time for a new Commandant with balls who places his Marines above all the political and social justice of the worst of America!!!
    “Always Faithful” isn’t just a cute saying, Commandant.

  5. “… Marines will work “to reflect America, to reflect the society we come from,” adding that the decision is not one related to being “woke” or politically correct.”

    The addendum is to clarify that the decision IS based on being “woke” and politically correct – it would not be necessary otherwise.

    Lie, dissemble, prevaricate, and deflect … the four cornerstones of modern generalship.

    The “Old Breed” is (apparently) dead.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “The top general for the Marine Corps says the force is working to reinvent itself in an attempt “to reflect America” and the current values embraced by society.” And “Adding that the decision is not one related to being “woke” or politically correct.” How can the two not be related?

  7. Jackass Joe is a Fuck Up looking for a place to happen and the Marine Corps is just the latest place he decided to shit on!
    When are we going to start taking this personally?

  8. So working to improve marksmanship and stupid shit like that in the military is by the wayside.
    Should we wait to see if they make homosexuality mandatory, like that joke?

  9. Looks like the “Old Breed” with which I served is but a memory, and soon the “New Breed” will go the same way making room for the “IN BRED”.

    If something major doesn’t happen real soon America will be totally screwed!

  10. Not worth the effort to scrape this worthless piece of traitorous shit off the
    bottom of your boot. As a Marine Corps officer during the Viet Nam era, I willingly gave three years of my life to my country. If any of my grandchildren wanted to enlist in ANY branch of the chickenshit military run by chickenshit officers such as this “Comradedant”, I would do everything in my power to dissuade them.

  11. @Mr. Sanderson

    You are right sir. The military is no place for a young person who wants to serve his country.

    Even a couple of years ago the military seemed to be a great place for a kid to start out. But now, I would not recommend it to anyone.


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