Marine Le Pen to LEAD French presidential race in first round of voting – IOTW Report

Marine Le Pen to LEAD French presidential race in first round of voting

Express UK:

The Front National chief is set receive more than a quarter of the vote, ahead of Thatcher admirer , who is on 22 per cent, and former economy minister Emmanuel Macron, who is on 21 per cent, the Kantar Sofres one-point poll revealed.

Benoît Hamon, a staunch Socialist and the surprise winner of Sunday’s left-wing primary, is set to win 15 per cent of the first-round presidential vote.

But despite being guaranteed a place in the second round of the election is set to lose the presidential race to one of her two rivals.

According to the poll, published by Le Figaro, hop against Mr Fillon, the Front National chief would get 40 per cent of the vote while Mr Fillon would win 60 per cent.

And against Mr Macron, Mrs Le Pen would win 35 per cent of the vote while the left’s “rising star” would take 65 per cent.

Under the unlikely scenario of a showdown between Mr Fillon and Mr Macron, the rebellious socialist will win the presidential race with 58 per cent of the total vote.

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6 Comments on Marine Le Pen to LEAD French presidential race in first round of voting

  1. Le Pen may be much stronger than these Establishment polls indicate.

    Remember, polls “proved” that Brexit didn’t have a chance.
    And Hilary was ahead by 15 and 20 points and she was guaranteed a 350+ Electoral College landslide.

  2. It’s an uphill battle, but the French like to confound the world. Remember when they withdrew from NATO for forty years to preserve their independence in world affairs? Yeah, you don’t hear about that at all, now that Trump is questioning NATO. Maybe Le Pen has some questions herself about why France rejoined NATO in 2009.

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