Mark Levin to go after Obama law license – IOTW Report

Mark Levin to go after Obama law license

If he ignores court injunction on illegal amnesty program.

TRS: Mark Levin says there isn’t much he can do when it comes to impeaching and removing the president if he ignores a court injunction on DAPA, his illegal amnesty program, as a leaked Homeland Security memo suggests he will do.

Mark Levin

But there is one thing Levin and his legal team can do, and that’s file an ethics complaint against Obama so that he loses his law license, at least temporarily. Levin says that if Obama does this, he needs to know there are consequences directly to him for knowingly circumventing the court on this.  more here

27 Comments on Mark Levin to go after Obama law license

  1. let US not forget the narcissist will not like the attack PERIOD
    myself i would like to see him melt down & if a 3rd term attempt is made by floating mike, we are going need all the ammo in our arsenal PERIOD
    TRUMP/WALL 2016

  2. Mark Levin sure does like Trump, although he said he hasn’t settled in on for whom he’s voting. Levin was playing excerpts from Trump’s press book release conference and was cracking up because of some of Trump’s comments. Levin said Trump was quick with the answers, funny and correct in assessments.

  3. it is a lame attempt. the real things that could have/should have been done by congress and haven’t prove that the rule of law is dead dead dead.

    it would take a civil war to fix the USA and anyone trying to organize that would not live to see tomorrow.

  4. I thought Obama and Michelle both surrounded their law licenses as the lies he made to get it were easily proven-something about him applying with a different name.

    It’a pointless anyway.

  5. Make the world safe to be alive again….hire a rifle squad. With the clowns guarding him and all, be cheaper to.

    Ah, dare to dream. If Tarantino can bad mouth the police, I can certainly dream positive.

  6. Didn’t know this song was was a favorite of Mark. I’ve liked it ever since a friend gave me a tape of the Bob Rivers group Christmas album years ago.

    My favorite was a number in which they sang lyrics to a bunch of songs from the Tchaikovsky classic “The Nutcracker Suite.” Best part: a sadistic little gay man leading an exercise class to the tune of “Dance of the Russian Soldiers.”

  7. And when you do keep in mind you’ll be bad-mouthing:
    Frank Marshal Davis
    Charles Ogletree
    Cornel West
    Jeremiah Wright
    Bill Ayers
    Bernardine Dohrn
    Quentin Young
    Anita Dunn
    Van Jones
    Amy Goodman
    Tony Rezko
    Toni Preckwinkle
    George Soros
    Bernie Sanders
    David Axelrod
    Have at it! When yer done look me up, I’ll pour you a drink!

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