Mark Zuckerberg wants to use artificial intelligence to ban ‘hate speech,’ what could go wrong? – IOTW Report

Mark Zuckerberg wants to use artificial intelligence to ban ‘hate speech,’ what could go wrong?

If a progressive hates what you said, then it is hate speech. – DrJ77


Hate speech, I’m optimistic that over a five to ten-year period we will have AI tools that can get into some of the nuances, the linguistic nuances of different types of content to be more accurate in flagging things for our systems, but today we’re just not there on that.”

“So, a lot of this is still reactive, people flag it to us,” Zuckerberg stated. “We have people look at it. We have policies to try to make it as not subjective as possible, but until we get it more automated, there is a higher error rate than I’m happy with.”


13 Comments on Mark Zuckerberg wants to use artificial intelligence to ban ‘hate speech,’ what could go wrong?

  1. One man’s “hate speech” is another man’s reasonable beliefs, asshole! They’re all protected under the First Amendment. Unless you’re crying “fire” in a crowded theater, “bomb” on an airliner, or something of the sort, you’re supposed to be free to say what you think, and be ignored by those who believe differently. Do we really want someone like Suckerberg deciding for us what is “hate speech”? I think I’m grown up enough to know what that is without any help from him.

    Fornicate him and the Liberal sow that produced him.

    And his Chink wife. <— (Note the "hate speech" here.)

    And his pet cat. <— (Zuck doesn't consider this "hate speech", but PETA does.)


  2. Why do those who want to tell us what to say/think, get to say/think anything?
    This is hate speech, I’m offended !
    There is no such thing as ‘hate speech’.

  3. “Higher error rate than I am happy with “

    Translation: we haven’t figured out software that looks for hate but doesn’t scoop up “mother jones” and the SPLC yet.

  4. I don’t know how…. …don’t know how long it will take, but… …we *have* to abolish the absurdity, the crime “hate speech.”

    It is meaningless, evil, and (with luck) the progs may disappear along with the term. …..Lady in Red

  5. There’s no such thing as “hate speech”.

    Even if there were such a thing, the US Constitution specifically sets forth protections for it in the 1st Amendment, now doesn’t it?

    The 1st Amendment wasn’t designed to protect “safe speech”.

  6. This is great, once they have the AI ‘working’, they can blame the computer if someone complains. Zuck and his crew get a pass.
    Nice work when you got it. Wonder how much he thinks he’ll have to pay congress critters to allow this to happen.


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