Mary Burke Hates Shovel Ready Jobs – IOTW Report

Mary Burke Hates Shovel Ready Jobs

It’s unusual to find a politician that pledges to block the creation of 600 news jobs, but Scott Walker’s opponent for Governor of WI, Mary Burke, has boldly taken the anti-employment position by promising to block the creation of the GTAC mine in Northern Wisconsin if elected.

The liberal anti-development head spinning stupidity is on full display in the comments section as well.

Read the story here

She must be slipping in the polls.
It’s the only way to explain going full-on jabbering liberal idiot.


10 Comments on Mary Burke Hates Shovel Ready Jobs

  1. I am so sick of these prevaricators.

    How does one “protect the environment?”

    The “environment” is NOT a monolith; it differs from elevation, to distance from large bodies of water, to humidity, to wind, to rainfall, to soil composition, to flora, to fauna, to a host of other factors. The “environment” of your intestines certainly needs protection, but not the same protection as the plain of Tibet. They speak in vagaries, to entice the citizenry to relinquish their rights for some, ephemeral, non-existent, never-arriving “greater good” and a myriad of fools fall prey every time.

    It is astounding that we’ve bred so many imbeciles and non-critical thinkers.

  2. Why pick on this small-potatoes piker? My own governor, He-Whose-Surname-Rhymes-with-Homo, has the power to change the financial complexion of New York State (grim, grim, as conditions in the state’s Unified Court System will indicate) with a single penstroke, by approving fracking. THOUSANDS of jobs would be created in the upstate counties, awakening an economy that’s been slumbering for decades. But no, it’s more important for him to cling stubbornly to his outdated hippie-dippie ideals than to do something that would benefit the people of New York. That Greenpeace dick he’s sucking must taste awfully good.

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