Maryland Democrat Apologizes For Allegedly Calling County A ‘N***** District’ – IOTW Report

Maryland Democrat Apologizes For Allegedly Calling County A ‘N***** District’

DC: A Maryland Democratic lawmaker apologized to the state’s Legislative Black Caucus Monday after calling a district in Prince George’s County a “n***** district.”

Del. Mary Ann Lisanti, who is white, was approached by the caucus regarding her alleged remarks Monday night, after news broke that Lisanti had said the racial slur at a cigar bar in Annapolis, Maryland, while speaking to a colleague, who was also white, after work late one night.

The Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland chair, Del. Darryl Barnes, said Lisanti apologized multiple times but also added he thinks anyone who uses the word is “a reflection of what’s in their heart,” The Washington Post reported.

“She apologized several times,” Barnes, a Democrat, said. “She recognizes how she has hurt so many within the caucus, and she hoped to repent from this. She said that she doesn’t remember fully what happened, but she recognizes what happened.”

“I do think that someone who uses the word, it’s a reflection of what’s in their heart,” Barnes said.

Lisanti was reportedly questioned about the use of the racial slur in early February. She denied ever using the word but also said she did not remember much of that night. Lisanti also said she is sure she has used the racial slur before in her life.  more here

14 Comments on Maryland Democrat Apologizes For Allegedly Calling County A ‘N***** District’

  1. “She denied ever using the word but also said she did not remember much of that night. ”

    Hangin’ out at the cigar bar, drinking heavy, loose talkin’, sporting blackface….

  2. “‘I do think that someone who uses the word, it’s a reflection of what’s in their heart,’ Barnes said.”

    Yeah, not like words such as white trash, trailer trash, or deplorable. That doesn’t tell us anything about their hearts at all.

  3. “Democrats up too bat here in the bottom of the nin……AMAZING!!!! Lisanti, out of nowhere, knocks the cover off the ball and sends another run across the bag!”

    “What was supposed to an exhibition game lasting all of Black History Month has turned out to be a spectacular display of Democratic ball playing; the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the ‘dead ball’ era and post civil war reconstruction in the south. Tom?”

    “It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see how it plays out.”

    “Well, I can’t see how the Democrats could possibly squeeze another run in under the wire, but this team has certainly made a believer out of me.”

  4. The truth is, Prince Georges County, MD is possibly the most affluent, predominantly black county in America. D.C. suburb and all that.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. “n***** district.”

    I’m not sure what that means, but if the implication is that it’s a nigger district, she’s correct. And no, I don’t mean negro – I mean nigger – with all that that connotes. PG is a cesspool of corruption which began its ignoble descent prior to 1970. By 1970 the schools no longer taught Latin, the Peloponnesean War, Homer, American History and by 1973 had eliminated Physics and Calculus.
    Maybe it was just coincidence that the “Great Influx” occurred around this time – maybe it was something in the water – I don’t know – but I DO know that by the time I went for my Universal Refrigeration accreditation, the school doors were shackled with chains and locks.

    (“nigger” doesn’t mean “black” or “of African descent” (except as a corruption of the Latin) it, more distinctly, refers to low-bred people of dubious morals prone to drug and alcohol use (yes, I’m a nigger – though a white one))

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. She meant it. When Democrats say “nigger” they are reliving the glorious days of Jim Crow and Bobby Byrd. They despise black people and only tolerate them because they can use them.


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