Maureen Dowd Trashes the Clintons, Totally Misses the Mark – IOTW Report

Maureen Dowd Trashes the Clintons, Totally Misses the Mark

Bolding will be mine.


I’m looking around Scotiabank Arena, the home of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and it’s a depressing sight. It’s two-for-the-price-of-one in half the arena. The hockey rink is half curtained off, but even with that, organizers are scrambling at the last minute to cordon off more sections behind thick black curtains, they say due to a lack of sales. I paid $177 weeks in advance. 

I cringe at the thought that the Clintons will look out and see that, too.

What is the point? It’s not inspirational. It’s not for charity. They’re not raising awareness about a cause, like Al Gore with global warming. They’re only raising awareness about the Clintons.

Do they want to swim in their cash like Scrooge McDuck?

“What scares me the most is Hillary’s smug certainty of her own virtue as she has become greedy and how typical that is of so many chic liberals who seem unaware of their own greed,” Charlie Peters, the legendary liberal former editor of The Washington Monthly, told me.

After losing to an orange puffer clown fish who will go down as one of the most destructive forces in American history and flushing the Obama legacy down the drain, that’s delusional.

What’s depressing is that Maureen Dowd was seemingly unaware of these Clinton qualities before she forked over $177 to these grifters.

When did her epiphany that the Clinton’s are greedy, soulless, self-absorbed shitstains occur, before or after she cringed at the thought of the Clintons having to endure the pain of seeing an arena that was modified in order to codify?

Speaking of scary, what scares me is Dowd’s smug assessment that president Trump is “one of the most destructive forces in American history.”

She writes this as ordinary American’s lives are being improved daily. But she’s no ordinary American. She lives in a bubble of clueless smug, a fart bubble that she believes is fragrant.

The formerly golden couple who dominated their party for nearly three decades is traveling North America in a bubble, shockingly un-self-aware.

Are the Clintons the only ones that are shockingly un-self-aware, Maureen? Are you sure?

ht/ hot salsa

17 Comments on Maureen Dowd Trashes the Clintons, Totally Misses the Mark

  1. I don’t subscribe to the NY Slimes. If I had a pet bird I would purposely seek out her articles on-line and print them just so I could place them face up at the bottom of the cage.

  2. I wonder which high-level, lefty, power broker directed her to write this.
    It’s like this article is the signal to the clintons to go away, and for everyone else to ignore them.

  3. “They’re not raising awareness about a cause, like Al Gore with global warming. ”

    Oh puhleeze! To the intellectual dishonest it’s a “cause”. To honest folks it’s clearly a criminal “charade”.

    PS ESAD Dowd, you have always been arrogant and ugly. You are a tool for your deceitful masters. Who should care what you think? You lapped up Bubba’s spittle for decades. $177 says you didn’t personally pay the $177 tribute to your former idols.

  4. White, guilt ridden self loathing liberals always have extra cash for one of their own, hence the head scratching success (so far) of Michelle’s new book. What on earth would that bitter narcissist possibly have to offer to the literary world? Like Hillary, every wiki notion is prefaced by her husband, she scammed and race shamed her way to any singular accomplishment of her own, yet the perpetually gullible make it a best seller, go figure.

  5. Wonder what Maureen Dowdy feeds her ten cats and how many litter boxes are scattered about her spinster Manhattan Apartment?

    Wonder if she feeds her felines generic brand or premium canned cat food?

    Poor “Humped and Dumped” Maureen. She must be so angry and hate-filled at finding herself being alone in her declining years.

    Especially since all her democrat communist heroes are turning out to be just a bunch of greedy villains.

  6. Dowd sees the light by observing an arena that has only about 15% of seats occupied for a Clinton hand-jerk session.

    Unsolved disappearances of some of Clinton’s closest “friends” means squat to her, but an empty arena makes her depressed. Why do journalists have to be so stupid? Journalism school must attract the dumbest students.

  7. So in 2016 a bunch of Daddy Warbucks types donated millions to her election campaign, expecting ‘something’ in return, I imagine. She lost. And now Dowd wonders why they can’t fill an arena when they have Nothing to offer? I also wondered why anybody in Canada would won’t to listen to these two grifters.

  8. So much worse was written about Lincoln. The reality is: if we are, as a nation, still around 100 years from now nobody will remember Dowd but the Trump-a-nator will be remembered as the POTUS who stopped the rot.

  9. I’m the same age as the Clintons. Maureen Dowd hyped them up, so she’s got no right to complain. They were always a couple of fake hippies. Anybody who grew up in the 60s knew that. They both joined the communist party and followed the teachings of Saul Alinsky, which includes lying to yourself about how important you are. Alinsky recommends when you’re not winning, just keep forging ahead. Basically if your in a casino, and your losing, stay at the tables and keep losing. The Clintons don’t know how to cut their losses. They’re trying to put lipstick on a pig.

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