Max Boot Quote is NOT A JOKE – he is serious – IOTW Report

Max Boot Quote is NOT A JOKE – he is serious

38 Comments on Max Boot Quote is NOT A JOKE – he is serious

  1. Max Boot is a Russian-born Jew that went to college in California and has advocated vigorously for non-stop war for the last 2 decades. In every major issue he has been wrong on every count every time.

    If you have been suffering under the delusion that in any way, shape, or form that this jackass is a conservative or an expert then you haven’t been paying attention.

  2. There is no middle ground with the left. We’d better wake up to that and take appropriate action. Their goals are to censure us, dominate us and when that fails, when we refuse to conform, they will not hesitate to eliminate us. History tells us this.

  3. Who is Max Boot, I wondered. So, I put it through the search engine and spotted this in the first line of the first result:

    Max Boot is a Washington Post columnist, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations…

    Just to be fair, I looked around on the page and learned that he got his BA from University of California at Berkeley, and an MA from Yale…

    So, Max Boot is a joke.

  4. Nothing against Jews, but shouldn’t he be trotting down to his local pharmacy and get that 4th jab? For democracy to work, Boot the Max. We’re not a democracy, we’re a Republic.

  5. He and <<>> are going steady.

    He’s been a war monger for decades. When I used to get the Weekly Standard and read his columns, my head would cock like a dog hearing a funny whistle.

  6. Ronny hater Max is , and has been for decades, a “Buh Republican”. ALL BUSH REPUBLICANS are against free speech FOR CONSERVATIVES! Naming some names: Adam,Karl, Liz, Mitch …

  7. Freedom is everything. Including too much for morons to handle.

    Watch for warning signage to be placed by Karens at the rim of the Grand Canyon. That’ll suffice until they legislate billion$ to fill it in.

  8. Sooo … “democracy” (or a democratic Republic) is based on censorship?
    Missed that in the Constitution and in school.

    “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
    (dead white dude)
    My, how much we’ve changed!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The first successful piece of propaganda is getting everyone to call our system of government a “democracy”.
    It is not.
    It is supposed to be, but certain interests don’t like the concept of a “Constitutional Republic” so, like everything else they hate, they seek to destroy it, in every way possible.

  10. Funny thing is that the lefty lame lib-lobes and the polluted democrat cult are actually society’s slobs and failures who created the “anything-goes” mentality.


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