Maxine Waters Flips Her Wig During Hearing – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Flips Her Wig During Hearing

AM: House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had quite a tussle on Tuesday over whether he had to stay for a hearing.

Mnuchin testified before the House committee for over three hours, and it became obvious right out of the gate that Waters was going for blood.

Waters used her first question to ask Mnuchin whether he would comply with a Democratic request for copies of six years of President Donald Trump’s business and personal tax returns.

His answer, unsurprising to many, was no.

“I want to acknowledge we have received the request. As I said before, we will follow the law. We are reviewing it with our internal legal department and I would leave it at that,” he told Waters, who was visibly not too thrilled with that answer.

While most of the hearing consisted of Waters and her Democratic colleagues continuously asking Mnuchin to turn over Trump’s tax returns — which he repeatedly declined — the real fireworks came towards the end.

Tempers boiled over when Mnuchin informed Waters that he needed to end his voluntary testimony early because he had a prearranged meeting with foreign dignitary and didn’t have time for Waters and her crew to keep grilling him over Trump’s tax returns.

Waters stared at Mnuchin with a blank face before threatening him that if he didn’t stay for the entire hearing, she would compel him to return in May for “multiple hearings.”

Then, Waters bizarrely told Mnuchin that he could leave, but declined to end the hearing, and sat there looking around for other members to question the Treasury secretary.

Mnuchin said he would come back to testify in May, but said there was no way he would sit for two hearings.

This ticked off Waters, who leaned forward in her seat and declared, “This is a new way, this is a new day, this is a new chair, and I have the gavel.”

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23 Comments on Maxine Waters Flips Her Wig During Hearing

  1. Maxine Waters isn’t a particularly dumb person but she isn’t smart either. She’s really unsuitable for her role as a congress critter but she doesn’t realize it. As a result she ends up ranting on about impeaching or otherwise getting rid of Trump, acting the buffoon as member then chair of the finance committee, a committee she is singularly unqualified to sit on as questions still remain about her actions in ensuring the bank her husband had a major interest in received a federal bailout that made a lot of money for the family. She simply does not understand (and to be fair I’m sure she tries to understand the complexities but isn’t capable) the job and resorts to her usual racism/impeach/bullying tactics to try to intimidate those opposed to bad government. Let her rant on because while it’s unlikely she’ll ever be defeated her antics tarnish the Democrat Party in general and will cause them to lose support from the traditional moderate voter.

  2. With unskilled diseased invader mutts
    over running our borders and Chinese,Russian,
    Indian and Paki spies everywhere and demorat
    commies trying to overthrow a sitting president
    we gotta listen to that lo-IQ MORONIC sheboon ugly-ass
    harpie ‘reclaiming my time’ more like ‘wasting the tax
    payers time’.

  3. …don’t ask for illegal things, Max. That was the LAST guy that would roll with you like that, THIS one actually RESPECTS laws.

    …or, you COULD say, “This is a new way, this is a new day, this is a new Oval Office, and Donald Trump has the Presidency.”

  4. It is a given that Waters is a raving lunatic and a race hustler, that said, this whole kerfuffle was of Mnuchin’s making.

    Prior to this exchange he had given the committee a heads up that he was under time constraints, had another important meeting to go to at a certain time and that he would be glad to come back another day. Waters told him he could leave when he wanted, he should have thanked the chair lady for her understanding and left. But he decided to joust with her and ended up looking bad in the process.

    In the past we have seen Waters completely unhinged, stuttering, spittle flying, arm waiving, I thought she held it together pretty well here.

    This goes to my comment yesterday stressing the need to push back against these Democrat committee members who hide behind the veneer of authority merely because they hold the majority. They deserve cordiality and cooperation but nothing more, and should be confronted and fought when they cross the line.

  5. Make no mistake, Maxine Waters is an enemy of the People. She is personally and directly culpable for inciting violence and harassment of POTUS Trump’s cheer leaders. She completely deserves to be dismissed as the contemptible whack job she is. The dignity of her office be damned. It is she, nobody else, who has disgraced her position and she should not be allowed to use it as a bully pulpit to play the untouchable tyrant for the cameras.

  6. As much as I enjoy Maxine’s spittle-flecked performances, I enjoy even more when she’s trying to be serious and austere, and winds up looking like a buffoon.

    I saw a clip of today’s hearing on banks, and she was asking the heads of all the major banks about their policies towards student loans. But she quickly dropped the subject when Jamie Dimon informed her that the federal gov’t took over student loans.

    This moron chairs the House Committee on Financial Services, and doesn’t know that the feds took over student loans under Barak the Twinkie’s reign.

    Can’t make this shit up, folks…

  7. @scr_north April 10, 2019 at 10:31 am

    > Maxine Waters isn’t a particularly dumb person but she isn’t smart either.

    So true. And, thus, so tragic.

    A “republic” with general suffrage — it’s a hell of a drug.
    (hat tip to Dave Chappelle)

  8. “All these stoodint loan debts! People gots millions on stoodint debts! Whatchu bankas gonna do about all you stoodint loan debts??”

    “Ma’am we got out of the student loan industry when the government took over all student loans in 2010.”


    Sorry, scr_north she’s a freaking cretin.

  9. Maxine waters lowered the bar for the likes of tlaic, omar and cortez to appear.

    And it was no accident.

    We’re at war. The left has been filling the ranks of leftist street thugs since ACORN. Now they have antifa and the army of the likes of criminals the likes of chicago AG kim foxx is giving the wink to and releasing.

    Obama was doing the work more quietly. He’s a complete traitor.

  10. United States citizens followed the DNC’s promoted and brainwashing in 2008 of the most illegitimate and inexperienced overly unqualified (even for 7-11, let alone for after 9/11) white guilt PR routine in history.
    And the DNC’s siding fools sucked it up!
    I just saw Howdy Doody in blackface for * FOOKING 8 YEARS!
    Moms Mabley be the only one to slap this always been child into reality.


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