Maxine Waters learns about life – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters learns about life

American Thinker:

This week we have yet one more example of the total lack of self-knowledge that often accompanies a political career.

Madame Maxine Waters, who represents South Central L.A. from somewhere else in the city, complains that she can no longer “go to the grocery store anymore by myself” without being accompanied by bodyguards.

“I have death threats constantly,” she said in a TV interview.  People “have been convicted for threatening to kill me.”

The man responsible for all this is the Orange Master of Assassins, Donald Trump.  “He is setting some of us up to be killed.”

Maxine is the politician who in 2018 called on people to publicly confront and attack Trump officials and supporters.  “Call your friends, get in their faces…”  Democrats were to create “a crowd” (read: mob) and run out Republicans wherever they were found. more

25 Comments on Maxine Waters learns about life

  1. Are her bodyguards armed with ‘GUNS’ and are they those ugly, black, assault type weapons? If so, she is one of the biggest hypocrites this side of Kamala Harris, Fauxahontas, Joey Biden, Beto, Mayor Buttchecks and Sir Shillary Clinton!

  2. In my recollection, the only member of Congress to have been shot was Republican, Steve Scalise, who was gunned down by a raving Democrat.

    You see, maxipad, our side gets angry at your lunacy and we may get up in your grille, but we take our revenge at the ballot box.

    Your side beats up little old ladies. Matter of fact, you socialists gunned down JFK.

    Do you really want to tally up the score? Violent conservatives vs violent liberal socialists?

  3. “Get in their face and push back”
    did actually cause violence.That
    vid clip of her should be played 24/7.
    Our beloved Queen Jackson-Lee here in Texas
    is dumber than Mad Max but Max is far more dangerous…

  4. Let’s get honest. These politicians, Waters included, are not lacking self-awareness, nor are they hypocrites, nor are they as dirt stupid as they appear.

    No. They are liars and panderers who accurately have assessed the level of intelligence — or self-interest — or mental disorder — of their voting constituencies.

  5. @Anonymous (12:58 PM):

    You look at people like this and you have to wonder how they rose to such high places of power where they rule over us.

    How do they do it?

    I recommend you read this excerpt from Chapter 10 from The Road to Serfdom, by F.A. Hayek

    Edit add: Hayek won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1974.

  6. She’s more likely to croak from evil deeds and wig rot (bet she sleeps in that thing), than being rubbed out by any conservative. She wishes President Trump cared a wit about her – he doesn’t. LOL!

  7. As long as blacks are willing to utilize her for looting this nation, I will continue to consider blacks second class (unless proven otherwise).

    Call me rayciss, don’t care, kiss mah ass!


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