Confused… don’t know who to root for… – IOTW Report

Confused… don’t know who to root for…

nsfw – video shows topless women- and Muslims kicking them.Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 4.51.33 PM

17 Comments on Confused… don’t know who to root for…

  1. Now, do the rag heads have to kill themselves for seeing a naked woman they’re not married to? Does the quran allow them to kill each other or do they have to turn themselves in? If the place was fulla rag heads do all the males have to get in the 72 virgins waiting line? Can those two hotties contract for their services every time a gaggle of rag heads get together?

  2. Nice tits. To bad they’re connected to a brain that doesn’t understand what’s going on. Acting out like this against muzloids won’t get you anywhere. There is no such thing as co-existence with muzloids. They are out to kill or control everyone. There are just two places for muzloids; at your throat or under your heel. I choose heel.

  3. Anybody else notice the goat on the big screen? WTF was that about?

    Oh, and nice work ladies. That’s showing you’re French men some balls towards these intolerant bastards.

  4. I’m not into Femen–they’re pretty much wackjobs but on this one I give them props because at least they stood up and said it like it is when few others will, especially of the feminist persuasion. Usually we’ve got insane people like Naomi Wolf yammering on about how awesome hijab is, right before she takes hers off and goes home to a hijab-free lifestyle.

  5. Ehhhhhhhhhh……….not sure. If those women did that at a church service we’d be pissed about it. At least I would be pissed. There are better ways to fight islam. I hope they all destroy one another and leave the civilized world alone……

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