Mayor Offers $2,000 To Figure Out Why People Don’t Like Him – IOTW Report

Mayor Offers $2,000 To Figure Out Why People Don’t Like Him

Criticism is not racism.

9 Comments on Mayor Offers $2,000 To Figure Out Why People Don’t Like Him

  1. Never met the Mayor, never even seen a picture of him – but I don’t like him.
    He’s a whining pustule of a person – too thin-skinned to be in politics.

    Maybe he should look for a career mopping floors?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Mr. Mayor: “You SUCK!”

    E-mail me for my snail mail address, so you can send me my check.

    (NOT bad – I’m getting paid a thousand bucks per word at this rate! 😝)


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