McCain Pallbearers Chosen As Spiteful Statement – IOTW Report

McCain Pallbearers Chosen As Spiteful Statement

As we near the end of the McCain-a-thon of depositing the final remains of the late senator at Annapolis tomorrow, the nation will be treated to a stage managed political statement by the Arizona senator. It seems John McCain put considerable effort into planning the four days of ceremonies meant to both recognize his stature and insult his enemies. This includes the 15 people chosen to carry his coffin to his final resting place. More

40 Comments on McCain Pallbearers Chosen As Spiteful Statement

  1. I would like to thank our friend and hero, the Tumor, once again.

    Hopefully stories of a few herniated disks and a dropped casket spilling out that worthless shitbag will entertain us for days to come.

  2. “…the nation will be treated to a stage managed political statement…”

    “The nation” isn’t interested. Really. It’s unclear who this spectacle is being put on for. Think about it.

  3. A total and complete asshole to the end.
    Why not have Chris Steele and those ISSI leaders as pallbearers.
    This makes me have a more hard line stance on my support for P.Trump then ever,what is going on today in Washington is a show for the lowfo’s and the long time power in D.C.
    Ducey had better not put McCain’s wife in the senate,that will be his final slap in the face of America,if he does P,Trump should rescind his support for him.

  4. It’s nice of JM to unintentionally confirm he was the petty spiteful man many saw him to be in life by his exit plan.

    Clearly he recognized that if he stood close to the light source the silhouette of his stature would appear much larger than it actually was when projected onto a distant wall, and he believed the attention paid to the shadow would conceal the unflattering details about himself. He has picked several qualified people to represent his enlarged shadow.

  5. If I’m not alone, and I don’t think I am, I have spent exactly zero time observing this farce. Predicting an NFL quality ratings drop for all news channels.

    The threshold for political sainthood has hit an all time low, from what I’ve read.

    Orchestrate whatever you want St John. The orchestra is in place and playing. The audience is watching Cash Cab or whatever else is available.

  6. I can’t wait for that last shovel full of dirt is shoveled onto the mound. It will be final, and nary another word about that asshat. Meanwhile, Trump is still playing golf, while McCain is 8 feet under and not deep enough. All those who made asses out of themselves during this fiasco called a “funeral,” will have to live with their bitterness and hate. Sucks to go through life like that. McCain was bitter and died bitter.

  7. I would like to thank McCain for his painstaking effort in recreating the Paul Wellstone Memorial, and adding extra days for maximum effect. When the recaps are done after the midterms, we will all have to admit that McCain’s funeral was a decisive moment in the destruction of the Dems. The event is going to get its own Wiki entry.

  8. the vile traitor’s funeral service included child sex traffickers, pedophiles, pedovores, drug runners, nuclear weapon traffickers and all around subhuman filth. not to mention the criminals who were
    responsible for 9/11, the crime of the century. (and no folks, 9/11 was not carried out by 19 third world goat fuckers who couldn’t fly a kit let alone jets!)

    who in God’s name would want to be a part of this filth?

  9. Thought it was over and turned on the TV surfing channels. Duh me! NBC just had to play the 2002 SNL with John McCain. No loss for me, so I’ll miss the 50 car ads, Dr Ho’s back fixer and the health care ads that still support the AHC act.

  10. McDisdain was a narcissistic control freak. He planned every detail of his funeral tour, including the song, Frank Sinatra’s, “My Way” played at the church service.
    No doubt the bastard’s last days were spent instructing his family and friends to express as much viseral hate towards President Trump as possible – especially during the bastard’s eulogies.
    His malicious tubby, short as she is wide daughter, Meghan is “The Maverick” progressive elitist, deep stater 2.0. She will continue his legacy of McDisdain’s hate for President Trump and the American people.


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