McCaskill: I’m Not ‘Knee-Jerk’ Anti-Trump, Some of my Colleagues Are – IOTW Report

McCaskill: I’m Not ‘Knee-Jerk’ Anti-Trump, Some of my Colleagues Are

Keep digging, Claire!

Breitbart Video: During an interview broadcast on Monday’s edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) stated that, unlike some of her colleagues, she isn’t reflexively against the president and denounced “crazy Democrats” who “walk in restaurants and scream in elected officials’ faces.”

McCaskill said her voting record doesn’t sound like “somebody who is knee-jerk. Some of my colleagues are knee-jerk against the president.”

Host Bret Baier then asked McCaskill what she meant in one of her ads, which says that she’s “not one of those crazy Democrats.”

McCaskill responded, “The crazy Democrats are people who walk in restaurants and scream in elected officials’ faces. The crazy Democrats are — we have a state senator here in Missouri that actually advocated for the assassination of President Trump. That’s a crazy Democrat. I don’t do those things.” watch

15 Comments on McCaskill: I’m Not ‘Knee-Jerk’ Anti-Trump, Some of my Colleagues Are

  1. ‘knee jerk’- as in reflexes.
    No, she doesn’t need a stimulus for her response- at her core, she is just plain anti-Trump.
    In other words, she is just a plain old jerk

  2. knee jerking implies that you dont know how you would respond to a situation.

    I submit that she knows very well how she will react to whatever Trump proposes

  3. What an endorsement.
    “I’m voting for Claire. She’ll raise my taxes. Add tons of regulations so it’s hard to run a business. She’ll funnel tons of money to her relatives. She’ll lie to my face. But she’s not one of those crazy Democrats.”

  4. Insulting “crazy” Democrats one week before the election?

    Now that is crazy.

    Fortunately for her, crazy Dems are ok with their candidates lying about what they actually believe because no one would knowingly vote for their crazy plans.

    See also: Obama, Barak Hussein whose decade plus traditional marriage position underwent a sex change operation in 2012 and morphed into mandatory gay marriage for teenagers seemingly overnight.

    Lie, cheat, steal. Whatever. Just get the goddamn power to rule those dumb fucks who can’t be trusted not to Vote Against Their Own Interest ™.

  5. Democrat Exorcist:
    “Who am I speaking with? I want to talk to Claire. Let me speak with Claire.”

    “Fuck off, donkey! I’m a Moderate now!”

    Liberal Claire:
    “She’s too strong…. Help me!!!”

    Super Liberal Claire:
    “I’m still here, lurking… I’ll be back when the other 2 tire themselves out.”

  6. She ran an ad in our local paper, and it claimed that “most” of what’s been said about her are lies!
    “Most!” Can you believe that shit?
    The ad doesn’t mention which were lies and which weren’t.

    Hopefully, the bitch is toast.

    izlamo delenda est …


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