McCormick Making Things Spicy for The Biden Crime Family – IOTW Report

McCormick Making Things Spicy for The Biden Crime Family

Red State

An ex-Obama staffer, Mike McCormick, is doing just that when it comes to Joe Biden. McCormick is blowing the whistle on Biden and he’s now revealing some of the things he observed. McCormick was a stenographer for the White House for 15 years, and worked with Biden for six years, from 2011 to 2017. So when we talk about the White House transcript, he was responsible for recording what was said by officials like then-Vice President Joe Biden. Continues

7 Comments on McCormick Making Things Spicy for The Biden Crime Family

  1. My son just called me and told me there are people waving a big sign over the McClary Bridge in Washington, the signs talk about, its OK to be white , also stop white genocide. You might want to look into that. Can’t wait to see the story.


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