McCullough: Health of ‘Pure Bloods’ Threatened by Shedding of mRNA and Spike Protein – IOTW Report

McCullough: Health of ‘Pure Bloods’ Threatened by Shedding of mRNA and Spike Protein

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

One of the most common questions I am asked from the unvaccinated stems from concerns over “shedding.”  Because the mRNA vaccines have been in development by the US Department of Defense DARPA since 2011, one would have expected that all of the necessary preclinical testing would have been completed before Operation Warp Speed was announced. 

The 2015 FDA guidance on Gene Product Shedding Studies with gene therapies, which are defined as “all products that exert their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material and/or by integration into the host genome and that are administered in the form of nucleic acids, viruses or genetically modified microorganisms”.[i]   

By this statement mRNA vaccines are indeed gene therapy products and should have been submitted to these excretion studies by DARPA funded researchers long ago.[ii] 

Sadly, these careful development steps were skipped from the beginning in our military-style vaccine development program, and now the public is grappling with the issue of nucleic acid and Spike protein shedding as a potential concern among those who have worked so hard to remain healthy and free of COVID-19 vaccination.  In the most comprehensive paper on shedding thus far, former Inserm researcher Dr. Helene Banoun has published the basis for which there is great likelihood that mRNA either on lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes is circulatory in blood and is secreted in every body secretion that would naturally expect to contain particles of this size.[iii]  


23 Comments on McCullough: Health of ‘Pure Bloods’ Threatened by Shedding of mRNA and Spike Protein

  1. There’s no pleasure in pointing out the obvious accusation against those who were the most pious about how their own “vaccine” compliance was protecting their older or otherwise vulnerable family and friends. Now that shedding is a realistic possibility, capable of severely endangering others’ health and lives, will the vaxxed finally realize how stupid and anti-science they were?

    When Pandora opened the box, releasing all the evil in the world, there remained one small, winged creature; Elpis, the spirit of hope.

  2. “Sadly, these careful development steps were skipped …”

    Then why are they still “immune” from lawsuits?
    Where is our Legislature?
    Where is Justice?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Given the fact that the vax is killing both infants in utero and fertility in general, it looks as if we might have at last solved Fermi’s Paradox and created our own Great Filter. Maybe the Lords of Smaught, WEFers et al, aren’t as clever as they think as they now get “secondarily vaxxed” since they likely avoided the jab. Looks like the Greens win and Gaia might live on without the human infection. Humanity had a pretty fair run. Elpis, indeed, perhaps some no/low contact pureblood pockets will remain in the interior of large continents or island tribes. H. sapiens future is Sentinel Islanders and obscure Amazonian tribes? Maybe civilization just takes a five thousand year leap backwards. I wonder what they’ll make of Mt Rushmore.

    Sadly, Abs, they will not learn and will continue seeing themselves as the heroic central figure in an old Soviet war poster right up to the funeral. Reality cannot and will not ever penetrate.

  4. ^^^
    “Banoun further explains how animal studies show that mRNA-carrying lipid nanoparticles circulate throughout the body and lodge their way into the bloodstream. The jab vial contents have also been found to excrete in bodily fluids such as sweat, sputum and breast milk, as well as through the transplacental barrier.”
    “These EVs are also able to penetrate by inhalation and through the skin (healthy or injured) as well as orally through breast milk (and why not during sexual intercourse through semen, as this has not been studied),” Banoun adds.”

    “… also able to penetrate by inhalation and through the skin (healthy or injured)…”

  5. Remember when they tried telling us the Mrna stayed at the injection site and didn’t circulate?
    They really think everyone is stupid.
    Injecting something into your circulatory system and it not moving?

  6. The New Zealand health service has denied the family’s request to use blood from unvaccinated volunteers and says that the vaccines pose no risk to donor supplies. On Tuesday, the High Court in Auckland will decide whether to grant the health service, Te Whatu Ora, temporary guardianship of the baby so it can remove the child from the family and perform the surgery.

  7. Baby Alex: they deleted the hospital records of that death post-transfusion

    Sacred Heart Hospital in Washington State has erased all records of the death of baby Alex who died from a blood clot after receiving a transfusion from a vaccinated patient.

    So there is no evidence of a problem anymore. They erased it, just like the CDC erased all data linking vaccines and autism. This is how science works nowadays.

  8. “will the vaxxed finally realize how stupid and anti-science they were?” That bees a big hell no.
    I’m a spreader I’m a shredder I’m a midnight getter. Do my spreading on the run. I’m vaxed 9 ways to Sunday, vaxed soooooo many times I lost count. Cough, sneeze & lick door knob I touch. Stupid? Not half as stupid as you are, loser supporter.

  9. Again….
    The Zelenko Protocol….
    supposedly flushes your stored spikes….
    and is effective on “long covid”….
    Check it out.

    My brother used it to get out of “long covid.”

  10. “Then why are they still “immune” from lawsuits?”

    Because “Emergency Use Authorization” superpowers give them wings. That’s why nobody will ever get a single dose of Comirnaty. It’s Kryptonite to their legal invincibility.

    They like to say “Never let a crisis go to waste”, but the crucial corollaries are “Never let a crisis go to court” and “Always take a crisis to the bank”.

    And while I am glad that Dr. McCullough and others are warning purebloods about the dangers of shedding, sfyer reading the warnings, I think the risk in minimal and easily mitigated. So while assholes like AnthonyD may revel in spreading spiteful FUD and hopes of dragging us all down with their bad decisions, the reality is that they ate the ones literally stuck with Pfizer’s tab, not us.

    And this is not to disparage people who innocently believed the science and got the jabs, even Grouchy. I think there is hope for y’all, because the same people who courageously warned us about mRNA are working on ways to cleanse and repair victims of the jabs. Don’t give up hope.

  11. The testing was done. Trust me on that. It is not a flaw, it’s a feature, and the only one of features “they” cared about. “They” includes the rotten bastards parroting their Safe and Effective line of bullshit. Anyone participating in demanding others receive injections they didn’t have the necessary information to review deserves to shit their pants while being hung by the neck until dead. That means anyone so much as making a peep about anyone who refused to take injections who was having information censored from. That means each and every single person who offered such an opinion. I mean that literally and without exception.

  12. I am almost 70, when I was 7 in 1960, in 1st and 2nd grade we were told that we’d be safe hiding underneath our school desks in case we were nuked by the Russkis. Bert the Civil Defense turtle said it was so in govt. propaganda PSA’s, boy was he ever dead wrong. Now it’s 63 years later and the new panic is COVID and getting the jab to prevent COVID. I’ve had COVID, they can kiss my ass because I’m not and never will take the COVID vaccine. It’s a new day, with the same old bullshit trying to scare people to death like they always have by keeping the sheeple stupid and misinformed thru govt. and media propaganda. I hate the left; they were wrong in 1960 and they’re even more wrong and evil now than they were when I was 7 in 1960.

  13. I’m selling my Pure Blood by the pint. No low balling, I know what I got.
    I know a dozen more people with Pure Blood who can be convinced to do the same.

  14. They are probably going to make a law making it illegal to discriminate against blood so no one will knows what you’re getting.
    We’re so far down the rabbit hole in this country, we’re pretty much all the way to China.
    No, I’m not giving up, there is always hope.


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