McDonald’s Offering Szechuan Sauce is Akin To Calling a Mexican a Beaner – IOTW Report

McDonald’s Offering Szechuan Sauce is Akin To Calling a Mexican a Beaner

You know what, people? Nothing is racist any longer, because everything is racist.

Awhile back a friend said to me that the left made him not care about black people any longer. He cut them out of his life because he was sick and tired of being called a racist for things that were perfectly innocent. So, rather than risk making a faux pas and being reprimanded for saying something that some SJW would attack him for, he simply steers clear. They don’t exist.

That’s sad, but it’s what the left has wrought. I can understand the attitude, especially when you hear things like, “McDonald’s offering Szechuan Sauce is racist because it reduces an entire country’s cuisine into one flavor.”

Really? Is that what it does? How many people are marching in front of McCormicks for offering “Italian seasoning”?

How is Szechuan Sauce a slight?  Please tell me so that I can go ballistic at the thought of American Cheese.

What’s that you say? American cheese is not analogous because we’re talking about a style of cheese, and not distilling the whole of American cuisine into a singular sauce?

Oh, okay.

Pass me the French Dressing.

Give me a call when McDonald’s offers its Slant Eyes Sauce, okay? Until then, it’s not racist.


35 Comments on McDonald’s Offering Szechuan Sauce is Akin To Calling a Mexican a Beaner

  1. As if all of the south fries their chicken in one corporate style way.
    HOW DARE THEY!!!!! I am OFFENDED!!!!

    In the article, by this goofy ass author, they say “as if the south could be reduced to a single flavor called ‘Southern Sauce.”
    If I went to Japan and they had a sauce called Southern American sauce, and it was barbecue flavored sauce, would I be forming an offended coalition to do something about this??
    uhhhh no.

    Leftists need to be eradicated.

  2. Actually, “beaner” works for me. I have been called homey and white boy and my usual reaction was to laugh. Liberals are so easily offended. It’s why they can’t do humor, and humor in this country has died. Like w the late night TV, it died when Carson retired. I see that as an ending of the era in which you could tastefully offend people, including blacks, and no one went ballistic. Not today. everyone is stifled. Isn’t it awesome. I have talked with several retirees and they describe it as “Now I”m unfiltered” or “the filter is off” and they can be honest again. 1st amendment my hind end.

  3. I like Russian dressing better than French dressing. Now I’m a racist who co-conspired with the alt-right and the Russians. Deport me out of your safe zone! Build a wall around your safe zone so I can’t get in!

  4. Hanging out at the laundromat; eating a bacon cheeseburger with Southwest Pepper Jack cheese and Texas bbq sauce; French fries with Caesar Ranch dressing to dip; washing it down with a bottle of Perrier; and all the while, surrounded by racist, white, washing machines with black agitators inside each one of them. I’m going to protest the laundromat now…

  5. Why do all the ethnic stores declare their ethnicity? Like FM Asian Mart, Korean Convenience, La Mex Mexican Cuisine, Billy’s American Burger.. etc.

    Would you go to the Korean mart for a taco? No, you go there for the foods with the Korean words in them. Otherwise we can’t determine one hot sauce from the next. Hillary wouldn’t know what to stock in her purse.

  6. I learned beaner was an insult in a public way. My youngest acquired the nickname Beaner from hitting his head a few times as a young-un. Bean, Beaner, Bean Machine some variant along the way.

    He gets up to bat at his high school game and I yell: ‘Knock it out of the park, Beaner!!’

    All these Mexican faces turn towards me and I didn’t why until my wife drew my attention to what it meant to them.

    ‘That’s my son at bat! That’s his nickname!’ didn’t help. The fact he was white didn’t matter at all, either.

  7. “Why do all the ethnic stores declare their ethnicity?”

    They sell the kinds of foods that may not be found elsewhere. Targeting a niche in an otherwise desert for those kinds of shoppers.

    I feel sorry for the “loyal” Mexicans that will only shop at the local Fiesta.

    Highest prices of all the food stores in our area. I think their nationalism is being abused and taken advantage of.

  8. I used to work with a girl named Athena who was Hispanic. She called me Dianna-banana and I called her Athena-beana. My boss ordered me to stop calling her that because it was racist. Nobody was more stunned to hear that than Athena. She was like, “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”

  9. They don’t seem to understand the concept of “If I’m going to be blamed for something I didn’t do I may as well do it if I’ve a mind to.”

    Aunt Jemima
    Camel Jockey
    Eight Ball
    Ghetto Monkey
    Liver Lips
    Monkey Boy
    Rug Pilot
    Taco Bender
    Velcro Head
    eXtra Crispy

  10. Wait a minute. Pleas explain to me, if I invite a Black activist to lunch at KFC, am I guilty of “Cultural Appropriation” or “Perpetuating a negative stereotype”?…
    And if “Cultural Appropriation” is such a bad thing, then why is it OK for some guy to walk into a woman’s restroom by claiming he “identifies” as a female photographer?

    The first liberal to give me an honest answer to the above questions wins the honor of being the first honest liberal I’ve ever communicated with.

  11. “Sichuan, formerly romanized Szechuan, is a province in southwest China occupying most of the Sichuan Basin between the Himalayas on the west, the Daba Mountains in the north, and the Yungui Plateau to the east. Sichuan’s capita…”

    This means that Szechuan is a place, not a “race.”
    Soooooooo … WTF are the morons getting exercised over?

    izlamo delenda est …

2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. One More Time: The Term “White Trash” is Derogatory Against Non-Whites – IOTW Report
  2. Here we go – the 2nd wave of attack on the “Asian Foods Are Racist” front – IOTW Report

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