Meanwhile, in England: A neighbor asks couple to “Close your blinds when getting dressed or undressing” – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in England: A neighbor asks couple to “Close your blinds when getting dressed or undressing”

KFI: A young couple from Lemington, Newcastle were shocked when they received an anonymous note from their neighbors threatening to report them for indecent exposure. Karin and Jay Stone posted the note to a Facebook group, and it quickly went viral amassing 1,500 comments in less than 24 hours.

The note asked them to “close your blinds when getting dressed or undressing,” and said they “are sick of seeing big bum big boobs and little willy.” They ended the note warning the couple they “will report you both for indecent exposure.” The note was signed “Your neighbours.”


14 Comments on Meanwhile, in England: A neighbor asks couple to “Close your blinds when getting dressed or undressing”

  1. If they’re in England and you really want to threaten them, tell then that you’ll report them for posting something slightly negative about Islam on FB.

  2. The exhibitionistic and/or brain damaged couple have been rude. Their note-writing neighbors could have handled the situation much more tactfully by saying, “We imagine that if you knew how visible you are when you dress and undress that you would want to close your blinds first. You’re welcome.”

    They’re all a bunch of twats (in the UK that rhymes with “hats”).

  3. Reminds me of the old joke about the lady calling the cops on her NY neighbour parading around nekid.
    “Lady, I can only see a brick wall from your window.”
    “Officer, that’s why the chair is there, stand on it.”

  4. Well then close your damn blinds!
    I’m calling fake news on this one. How many times have we seen these “notes” and then find out it came from the alleged “victim”?
    How are you gonna get your 15 minutes of fame?

  5. In St. Ives, England in 1974, I went to a serviceman’s home to talk about buying a car from him. It was after dark and we were sitting in his living room. As we spoke, he told me to watch what was going to happen. He was referring to the family across the street watching TV in their living room. It was a man, his wife and two kids. He told me not to overreact. As things began to happen, he narrated. The woman got up and went upstairs to the bedroom and turned on the light, opened the curtains and began to undress. She stripped totally and stood there and put on quite a show for us as her husband and kids sat downstairs watching TV. The English are ugly but are some of the kinkiest people around.


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