Meanwhile in Pennsylvania… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile in Pennsylvania…

If Biden runs again (🤣) I hope he picks Fetterman as his Veep.

13 Comments on Meanwhile in Pennsylvania…

  1. Oratory in America is done.
    Between Pedo Joetato and this fool, I can’t even follow what they’re trying to get at.

    Are they purposely obscure or are they idiots?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I have a joke with a good friend from PA. I moved to Malvern to work at a small studio. There were like 6 other artists and I thought they all had disproportionately large heads. Too big for their bodies whether they were tall/short/skinny /fat. I’m from Ohio and they thought my head was tragically too small. Completely silly stuff.

    However, Fetterman proves my theory.


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