Media Ignores Left-Wing Violent Crime Spree In North America – IOTW Report

Media Ignores Left-Wing Violent Crime Spree In North America

OAN: The election season is in full swing and reports from around the country as well as from Canada are of rising violence from left-wing activists. According to One America’s Jack Posobiec, the mainstream media appears to either be downplaying or ignoring it.

7 Comments on Media Ignores Left-Wing Violent Crime Spree In North America

  1. @ho72 – I read that article and couldn’t stop laughing. The study defined right-wing as including “suspicion of the government, and belief in conspiracies”. Hmm, belief in conspiracies like Trump is colluding with the Russians? Suspicions that one party is completely filled with racist / sexist / destroy-the-environment / rich white people?
    I am suspicious of the government, I guess that makes me right-wing. Oh wait, I am.


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