Media Narrative Chart – IOTW Report

Media Narrative Chart

When there is violence in the world, this is exactly the narrative the media will put forth at the behest of their leftist handlers in government.


4 Comments on Media Narrative Chart

  1. That sums it up nicely.
    To be honest, I think when the SHTF, I want to see a massive part of the media be the first ones to reap what they have sown.
    Seeing these elitist, liberal, socialist, America hating cockroaches, die in a pain filled way, would surely make me happy.
    I imagine that their last thoughts as some muslim pedophile sand potatoe is cutting off their head, will be, “Damn those white Christian islamophobes”.

  2. I wouldn’t call it fascism exactly, but a people manipulated by a dishonest controlled mass media that dispense the propaganda of a corrupt political establishment can hardly be described as democracy either.

  3. This is actually pretty accurate. The truly sad thing is though that the so-called journalists of today actually think they are non-biased in their reporting. From high school through university they’ve been indoctrinated by the left that their job is to shape the news and to influence public thought not to honestly report the facts and allow the public to think for themselves as they are truly uninformed and ignorant of the truth.

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