Media’s anti-Trumpers aren’t ‘leaving’ the GOP. They’ve been fired – IOTW Report

Media’s anti-Trumpers aren’t ‘leaving’ the GOP. They’ve been fired


When an anti-Trump voice in the media announces he’s leaving the Republican Party but no one’s there to read about it, does it make a sound?

Max Boot — who?! — was the latest conservative writer to make the inconsequential declaration that he wants Democrats to take Congress in this year’s midterm elections.

“The current GOP still has a few resemblances to the party of old — it still cuts taxes and supports conservative judges,” Boot wrote Wednesday in the Washington Post. “But a vote for the GOP in November is also a vote for egregious obstruction of justice, rampant conflicts of interest, the demonization of minorities, the debasement of political discourse, the alienation of America’s allies, the end of free trade and the appeasement of dictators.”

The piece sent shock waves through the nation.

Just kidding; nobody outside of MSNBC noticed, and we all went along with our lives.

19 Comments on Media’s anti-Trumpers aren’t ‘leaving’ the GOP. They’ve been fired

  1. “When an anti-Trump voice in the media announces he’s leaving the Republican Party but no one’s there to read about it, does it make a sound?”

    A good thing. And we are replacing them with black conservatives/converts. Met another one tonight at the gym.

  2. Yeah just listen to smartass Jonah Goldberg advising the President on the Supreme Court. That POS and National Review tried to bury Trump. I will not renew my subscription. I will take Bill Buckley’s advice and “Cancel my own God damn subscription.” I will still follow Victor Davis Hanson and Andy McCarthy by other means. Bill Kristol, that out of shape POS from The Weakly Standard, ditto. I prefer to get my news from IOTW, Joe Dan Gorman, CTH, Truth Revolt, Rush, Sean, and the two Marks.
    I also like to chat with Mr. Pinko and Mike Nordstrom when I can get through. Mike talks funny, like me, so he’s a good guy. We need , as Rush says, to avoid the News from the MSM ’cause it’s bullshit. They lie to us, the make shit up, they half ass apologize for their fuckups. The media, and you know something, FOX ain’t no phuckin bargain, suck. FOX News
    is like watching the “Stepford Wives” WTF. “Outnumbered”? Gimmeafuckinbreat! I’m sick of this whole phuckin’ bullshit.
    Hey Claudia, how is my sentence organization? Do I get my point across?
    Love Y’all.

  3. Tommy

    It’s fooken amazing Jonah Goldberg has the balls to advise any one. I mean my God, how many times do you need to be wrong before you realize I’m an idiot and out of my league.
    I’d call into Pinko’s show more often but I figure my accent drives him and Mike nuts.

    PS, This morning FOX ran quite the hit piece on Jim Jordan. FOX suddenly looked like CNN. I think it was on Cavutos show. That would figure.

  4. Brad. I agree, FOX is changing. They can never report a positive piece about a Republican, or Trump, without adding a negative quip. There is a new broad on there in the morning who seems to never shut to fuck up. I don’t know her name but she outtalks the male guy and interrupts the guest constantly.
    moe tom

  5. Bad Brad. In a nutshell, go to, Sean,Hennity, Mark Levin, Mark Steyn, and so many others. I’m going to try to compile a list of who to listen to or watch other than CBS,NBC,CNN,MSNBC< NPR< and lately FOX.


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