Megyn Kelly to host next GOP debate – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly to host next GOP debate

DC: The Republican National Committee (RNC) wasted no time after the third presidential debate, immediately looking forward to the fourth forum which it announced Thursday would be hosted by New Nation, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” The Washington Free Beacon and Rumble.

The fourth debate hosts and its moderators, New Nation’s Elizabeth Vargas, Megyn Kelly and Washington Free Beacon Editor-In-Chief Eliana Johnson, are a pivot in a different direction from the first three which were hosted by mainstream media outlets, Fox News, Fox Business and NBC News. The RNC previously faced criticism for its decision to give the first debates to Fox News and NBC despite previously promising to use the events to “raise” conservative media up. more

23 Comments on Megyn Kelly to host next GOP debate

  1. Will we get substantive questions? Or just uniparty fluff? Will the clock for responses include water boarding?

    Although attacks are amusing, and historically effective, shouldn’t the focus be “why vote for me” and not ” hate on your notional competitors” since, when the dust settles you have the real contest with the Demo/Media/DeepState party?

    Remember the eleventh commandment: speak no evil of a fellow Republican.
    – Ronaldus Magnus

  2. “My first question for all the candidates is this: ‘Why don’t you get behind President Trump and rally the American people to join the small r republican movement to restore America to its rightful primacy in the world, or are you such a small person to prefer to chase personal glory and ultimate defeat in the election?'”

  3. Nobody cares. It’s asinine without PDJT, and he won’t lower himself to attend so the others can spend their time ripping on him instead of telling us what THEY WILL DO to Make America Free & Prosperous Again…because they don’t know how.

    Nothing these goofballs said last week – save for Vivek’s comment upfront trashing Ronna and the forum – was of any value…while PDJT, America’s Warrior in Chief, upheld We The People by hitting every target spot on, even in the midst of Lawfare Persecution by a bunch of rabid scumbags.

  4. Megan Kelly is the reason I turned off Fox News forever after her debate debacle where she showed her true colors. Not a good choice but the debates are useless now anyway.

  5. She is 52, so I’m sure sh is past those times of the month.
    I also got away from watching her on FOX and her further adventures on NBC,etc.
    However, I like some of her YouTube clips. She doesn’t mince words in those clips.
    She says she patched things up with President Trump.

  6. Make take on the Megyn Kelly debate crap is FOX management gave her marching orders and she tried to carry them out. I don’t think she necessarily believed in their agenda. She’s certainly done an about face after she left FOX. And her and Trump have spoken since and they seem to get along. If you watch her shows she pretty damn conservative. She might be out to expose these bastards. Could be fun. I’ll tune in.


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