Megyn Kelly unloads on swing state Dems – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly unloads on swing state Dems

“They ought to be targeted, and they ought to be made to pay at the ballot box the next chance we get.” – Spicy language warning.

8 Comments on Megyn Kelly unloads on swing state Dems

  1. All those Dems she mentioned vote the wrong way on EVERY issue.

    The only Dem senators I’ve ever seen vote their conscience regardless of party were Joe Manchin (occasionally) and Kirsten Sinema. Both are gone because in their party it is either “our” way or the highway.

    I like the exuberance, but there are half a dozen issues equally compelling and critical to the turnaround, get fired up about those as well.

  2. The rotten stench goes far beyond the Swing States. Any Democrat Senator, Democrat House member should be beaten. Every damn one of them sat on their hands on every issue that are America’s Issues.
    They embarrassed the U.S. by not clapping, standing or supporting issues that should be nonpartisan. The are not supporting Americans, they are supporting the failed marxist policies of a failed democrat political party.

    As RFK,Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and 87 state house members who switched from democrat to Republican since 1994 have said, “I didn’t leave the democrat party, The Democrat Party left me.”

    The “Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party that our parents grew up with.” It has become a deceptive, cheap facade masking Socialism, Marxism and Communism. All to destroy the United States, our Heritage, Traditions, Constitution and waste our National treasure through corruption waste and fraud.

  3. If we had paper ballots and same day voting/counting the conservatives would pick up 50 seats easy. Not much hope in targeting if it is still electronic and machine “counting”.

    If you look at this last election, Trump is supposed to have won the total vote by only 1.5% (48.3% vs 49.8%). Does anybody really think Trump only won by 1.5%? The machine is very much alive and kicking.

  4. Spicy language is appropriate…
    It’s OK to say “Fuck You” to a bunch of Communists who used a grinning imbecile as the dick to ass-rape the United States with!

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