Membrane that can keep your heart pumping forever – IOTW Report

Membrane that can keep your heart pumping forever

They say it could be ready in 10 years. Good luck qualifying for one with the bronze plan.

Daily Mail

Scientists have created an external membrane using a 3-D printer than can keep a heart beating virtually forever.

The future of medicine: This custom-fit membrane is woven with a network of electrodes that sense body movement and regulate blood flow - it might one day prevent heart attacks in humansThe thin membrane is elastic, designed to stretch over a heart like a glove, and is outfitted with tiny electrodes that monitor cardiac function – it was first demonstrated as a proof of concept on a rabbit heart.

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6 Comments on Membrane that can keep your heart pumping forever

  1. I hope companies can remain innovative despite Ocare. 3D printing organs is so sci fi but who thought we’d all have touch screens and communicators like Star Trek now?

  2. So is this one of the things that is subject to the 2.3% medical-device tax?

    Every single legislator who voted for Obamacare should be ashamed of himself.

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