Mentally Ill Freakish Man in a Dress Threatens Ben Shapiro With Bodily Harm – IOTW Report

Mentally Ill Freakish Man in a Dress Threatens Ben Shapiro With Bodily Harm

What do you expect from a mentally ill freak, decorum?

When confronted with the reality that a guy who considers himself a woman is genetically a man, the joke in a dress threatens to send Ben Shapiro “home in an ambulance.”

Let’s forget that the threat makes no sense (home in an ambulance?) and that the guy is most likely of low intelligence, how is this acceptable? On any other show, a NORMAL guy would be asked to leave the show when acting so dangerously. But, yet again, people tiptoe around these deranged creatures and placate them and patronize them.


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UPDATE: John Nolte of Breitbart calls for the removal of all gay pride flags after the freak doubles down and advocates “curb stomping” Ben Shapiro.

27 Comments on Mentally Ill Freakish Man in a Dress Threatens Ben Shapiro With Bodily Harm

  1. This is the level we are at today. If the fella in the blue dress has committed a crime and the CSI people found his DNA the police would be looking for a MAN. It does not matter what the man in the blue dress ‘self identifies’ with.

    And we on the right are the ones who wage a war on science?

  2. I see absolutely no difference between the freak in the blue dress and the 7ft. transvestite mental case in a pink wig that comes in my studio regularly and wants to make a record because they say they’re the spirit of Whitney Houston.

  3. I like how the woman (real one) corrected Ben for his use of the wrong pronoun (“it’s disrespectful”); after all, we all know how respectful the lib media is toward those they disagree with (e.g. “teabaggers”).

    Here we are in the US with record unemployment, wrecked economy, wrecked healthcare, malicious and incompetent “representatives”, power grabbing, religious oppression against Christians, growing anti-Semitism, and pure and complete tolerance for Muslim terrorism. And we’re all talking about Bruce Jenner…….really?

  4. This whole argument about whether a trans-woman is a real woman is very much like the argument about whether a fetus is a real baby. Answers are obvious, libs on wrong side of both. And let’s throw in “man made climate change” too.

  5. It would be all I could do if sitting with them to not stand up and unzip to let them all have a look at my cock. See this right here– It’s all man, baby! See the genetic sack that sits behind it, or do you want me to bring it closer so you can get a good sniff?

  6. A little understanding is in order, MJ–Mr. Turd’s urologist’s finger had a hangnail that scratched the little darling’s rectum during “her” annual prostate exam. Clearly “she” hadn’t gotten over the pain it caused. What’s a “woman” to do?

  7. “The entire discussion is whether we are embracing mental illness and delusion as a society.”-Ben Shapiro

    I’m not. He isn’t. Apparently a lot of infotainment America is on the pot with diarrhea.

  8. He’s not gay, he’s a sociopath or antisocial. This is just his way of manipulating others. Some people dress up in fake military uniforms. See also Thisainthell

  9. “Wow, Zoey got angry and rather than cry like a girl, the man came out. You may be able to put a man in a dress, but stress him, and that genetic code reemerges and he is betrayed by his jeans/genes. Poor, poor, precious little snowflake got his feeling hurt.”–David Sayre, youtube comment

  10. If we’re talking courage, I’d say Ben Shapiro showed some, to agree to go on that show and speak the truth to a group of whacky leftists.

    I was only ever acquainted with one such troubled man (that I know of), who dressed normally during work hours, but then secretly changed into a “woman” during off hours. There were rumors I only half-believed, until I actually saw him in a liquor store, one evening. The guy was just plain weird 24 hours a day, though – one small example supporting Ben Shapiro’s theory of mental illness.

  11. Hmmm…if somebody has kibbles and bits then its a dude. if they have the other equipment for making babies, then they’re a dudette. simple. dudes dressed as dudettes are freak show transvestites — that’s also simple. This dude is a freak show all the way from stage left….

  12. Those in the thrall by their mental illness will try to parse sex as different from gender.

    They had Kelli Maloney (a boxing promoter who claims to have transitioned) on Hardtalk on the BBC last night.

    The interviewer asked for clarification if Maloney was now a straight woman who preferred men or a lesbian who preferred women.

    The darling thing tried to redirect the question by claiming gender is different from sex. It didn’t wash as anything other than an excuse to enact one’s delusions.

    Oh, and Maloney doesn’t identify as part of the gay community, Maloney wants to drop the “T” from LBGT abbreviation. Here an interview with IB Times where Maloney states it for the record.

  13. So, the rest of the panel is in a tizzy because Shapiro called the Missing Linkette “Sir”, but no one raises a peep about “Ms. Tur” threatening Ben with physical violence??

    I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Welcome to the new normal.

  14. Mr. Pinko “Sir, if you’re trying to pretend to be a lady, you just proved my point and failed miserably. I’ve never hit a woman before and that record will stay intact. Now get your manly meat-hooks off me before I kick your ass.”

  15. Gender IS different from sex. “Gender” is a grammatical term, appropriated by the pervert community to obfuscate the issues they are trying to muddle. “Sex” is a biologic term related to reproduction.

    But, I’m sure you already know this.

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